Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Write Original Creative Writing Essays Complete Guide for Arts Essays
How to Write Original Creative Writing Essays Complete Guide for Arts Essays Have a creative writing essay due soon? Our film theatre studies guide covers both long-term strategies to writing essays and emergency tips for extra quick writing techniques. Read on to save yourself and let creative juices flow. What is a Creative Essay? Creative essays are an all-time favourite. They are spontaneous essays with no restrictions, guidelines or structure. Creative essays are non-fiction essays written from the point of view of the author. They are aesthetic, imaginative and as far as non-fiction can allow, factual. Creative essays include; memoir, biographies, book reviews, travel reports. Other forms of fictitious creative writing include; short stories, poems, hybrid essays, dramatic monologues, plays and flash fiction. However, all creative essays have one thing in common: they are all focused on telling a story, whether real, imagined or both. As fun as creative writing may be, a lot of folks still struggle to get a piece out. This is because unlike most essays, creative essays are written from the heart and depend majorly on originality and imagination. So, before we get started, my first advise will be this: write from your heart. Choosing the Right Topic: A Few Suggestions from Our Writers What story do you want to tell? How do you want to tell it? Who is your audience? These are a few of the questions to put in mind before writing a creative essay. Like it was said before, write from your heart. It is easier to tell your story than tell someone elses. In telling your story, you can easily draw from the rich store of memories, personal experiences, imaginations and dreams you have. Take time to brainstorm. Think about what you want to write on. Most times in a fit of excitement, you may be tempted to start writing immediately without thinking through. If the idea is not deep and sustaining enough, the flow of ideas may cease and you may be disappointed or discouraged to continue. Take a walk. Go to a quiet place or go to your favourite spot to get your muse on. If you keep a journal, now is the best time to read it to recollect memories and gather inspiration. You may want to read a few pages of your favourite book or literary journals to get inspiration, watch your favourite movie or put your favourite song on replay. Soon enough ideas will begin to trickle in: it may be a dream you had, an idea, a memory or interactions with your friends and family. Get out your writing materials and pen these ideas down. Ideas are fleeting and may come in with such a rush yoyo may forget them. You will want to capture as many as you can on paper. Dont be bothered if your ideas dont have a flow or structure. There are no worries, let them be as loose and as spontaneous as they can be, when you begin to write you will see them take form. Over time, the more you write, the more you will be able to arrange the flow of your ideas and put them in order, even in the first draft without having to write a second draft. A couple of ideas/writers prompts that may come to mind for fictitious creative writing include: Some lines from a favourite song; A favourite childhood memory; A rewrite of a favourite romantic or comedy movie; A re-adaptation of a favourite book; A favourite writing quote; A creative essay on a favourite author; A recurring dream; A life turning experience: accident, death of a loved one or a near death experience. Another couple of sample topics for writing creative non-fiction essays include: A short biography of a favourite author; A travel report on a tour destination with significant historical cultural and artistic value; A book report on an engaging book you read during the course; perhaps a compelling story from Charles Dickens, Jane Austen or Toni Morrison. Pre Writing Tips: Get Ready to Be Creative As the ideas trickle in, dont be in a hurry to put and arrange them into paragraphs or structure them. You may stifle the stream of thoughts that come in. Before you set out to start writing, do following steps. Free Writing Write as much as you can, as fast you can. This is called speed writing. The aim of speed writing is to get your natural voice and flow. Sometimes in an effort to make the first draft coherent and creative you may alter your writing voice and sound like some popular creative writer. Because you are not being yourself, you lose your writing voice and make a poor imitation of a skilled writer who took time to develop his own writing voice. Patiently develop yours too. Write freely and try not to bother if the piece is not logical or coherent enough. Stay on track and see where your train of thought takes you. You will be pleasantly surprised. Research So you have a story you want to tell, and just enough framework to build your story. Where do you get meat to add to your skeleton? Research. You may not need to browse the internet to get the information you need. Interviewing friends, families, cross checking dates, tracing family trees and scouting old newspapers are just a few of the methods of researching information to add to your story. Research adds depth and originality to fiction writing and makes non-fiction writings verifiable and factual. If you plan on writing a biography or a book report, take time to research on the author you wish to write on. Of course, you cant cover the entire aspect of the person you wish to write on, so how about covering a significant aspect of the persons life? Was the person engaged in a social reformation? Do you love the persons style of writing or use of words? Is there an aspect of his personal life that means something to you? Go ahead and delve in detailed research. You dont want to mar the image of the author because of inadequate research. Journaling The importance of a journal can never be over emphasised. Journals help you build patience, consistency, good observatory skills and an ability to write whether you are inspired or not. Journals also make excellent muses when you need inspiration to write. Reading through past writings can birth ideas that make good foundations for a different story entirely. You dont have to record day to day experiences, you can record dreams, memories, quotes, phrases and songs that strike deep chords between you. Record moods, feelings, observations and certain bouts of ideas that seem to pop from nowhere. When you write your creative essay and you seem stuck, get out your journal and write anything that comes to mind. Sketching an Outline As you follow these tips, you will see your essay slowly take shape and form. It shows you are almost there. After researching and gathering just the right amount of information to enrich your essay, the next thing is to sketch an outline of the essay. A creative essay, like every other essay has 4 parts: A title, An introduction, A body, A conclusion. In your sketch, make these four parts into headers and list the necessary points under each. You will learn how to develop an outline as you read on. Write the First Draft The first draft may be just as messy as the free writing. Not to worry. The aim of the first draft is to arrange sentences into paragraphs that are logical and flow into each other. You write freely, but with focus. Use the sketched outline as a guide, building slowly on the points listed under each heading. Dont worry about grammar, spellings 6 and punctuation. Just focus on writing out your ideas logically. Shape up the Title Most creative writers dont bother about the title of their essay until they are done writing. By the time they are finished writing, the title comes naturally to them. Here are a few points to consider when choosing a title: Titles should be catchy. A good way to do this is to use short sentences that sum up the essay. Sentences could be made of two or more sentences, usually beginning with an article. For example: A Forgotten Memory. The Scary Dream, The Cafeteria, The Three Brothers. Another way to create catchy titles is using figures of speech: metaphor, personification, oxymoron, paradox, hyperbole is just a few of the figures of speech to use. For example, A Nest of Lies, Chasing Shadows, The Tall Tale. The title could be gotten from the subject matter itself. For example, My Father, My Favourite Author, My Favourite Thinking Spot. The title can be lifted word for word from the source of inspiration; a quote, a song, a book or a movie. For example, As you Like it. Writing an Impressive Creative Essay A creative essay is structured like any other essay; it has the introduction, body and conclusion. However to further understand how a creative essay on structured the online can also be divided into Set up Confrontation Resolution Introduction/ Set up There are no hard and fast rules on how to introduce your creative essay. However since its a short story, its better to get right into the action without wasting time. In the set up, you introduce the setting of the story, the characters involved and how they relate to one another. Also introduce the scene of the story; describe the time, day and environment where the story takes place. Introduce your main character and the other supporting characters that build up your story. Engage the senses of your readers by using vivid descriptions or narratives, imagery and appropriate tone. In the introduction, your readers should be able to infer a plot development from the description you have given. Body/ Confrontation The body consists of paragraphs that are chronological and connected. Slowly build up the plot in the body or change the mood and setting of the story. The body also contains the confrontation, which is the turning point of the story. The turning point could be a point of conflict when things suddenly go the opposite way, or when the main character faces an opposition or challenge. This moment can build up tempo gradually or suddenly come out of nowhere, it all depends on how you want to write it. Conclusion/Resolution In this part, the conflict is resolved, either completely or partially. The drama in the story sharpens, settles down then reaches a peak. Some writers make use of cliff hangers to whet the appetite of their readers and keep them hungry for more. It all depends on how you want to tidy up the story. Be sure to do justice to all your characters in the story. Post-Writing Tips So you are done writing your creative essay. What next? Take a Break It may be hard to take a break after completing your work. You may be so excited and in a hurry to get your essay submitted or published. No rush. Take a mental break and file your work away for a few hours or days. You will want to rest your mind so that the next time you get back to the work, you see it with fresh eyes. That way you begin to notice errors, bulky paragraphs, overflowing sentences and redundant words that either add bulk or dont fulfil the original intent. Who knows you may see a better way of telling the story and start all over. Re-read and Re-write Read your story critically. Are there overflowing sentences, dead words, redundant paragraphs? Is the story too loose and flabby? Can you rewrite it in a more compact way? Then get back to rewriting. Seasoned writers know the story is not in the first or second draft but in the third and fourth. The more you rewrite the more you chisel away flab and fluff and refine existing ways of telling the story. Make each word earn its space on the page. Or perhaps you discovered a better perspective of capturing your story, dont be scared to haul out the work and start from the top. It will be worth the effort. Proofread Give your work to a second party to read. You may not be as critical as you ought to about your writings and a second pair of eyes may just be what you need to highlight errors. Dont take corrections and criticism too hard, welcome them. They may be just what you need to give your work the shine it needs. Formatting A lot of people forget to format their writing according to the editors/teachers specifications. This can be the reason why your work is rejected or poorly scored. Before submissions, take time to note the required formatting for submissions. Font type, font size, line spacing, page numbering and use of headers are a few of the specifications to have in mind. Perhaps the Most Useful Tip from Our Top Writers: Creative writing essays are fun to write. Spontaneity, variety and freedom of expression are a few of the characteristics that make these essays an all-time favourite. The key to writing successfully is to write from the heart. Once you have a sufficient pool of thought and ideas to draw from, it gets easy from there. Research, free writing, sketching, outlining and writing the first and second drafts are just additional tips to help you refine and sculpt your ideas. If you have a hard time coming up with an idea, start keeping a journal today. You will be amazed!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Lazy Word Choice
Lazy Word Choice Lazy Word Choice Lazy Word Choice By Maeve Maddox Thanks to today’s instant communication, words used by one blogger or celebrity catch on at an astounding rate, spilling over into advertising, entertainment, and website comments. One evening I became aware of two television ads airing back to back. One was for a telephone service; the other for a car. Both hammered the word crazy to describe features of their products: â€Å"crazy, crazy generous, crazy efficient, crazy protection.†This mindless kind of usage strips words of meaning. It wastes the power of words that have more appropriate uses. Take this headline, for example: Daylight Saving Time Is Americas Greatest Shame Shame can be used in more than one sense, including a fairly meaningless social convention: â€Å"It’s a shame you couldn’t join us for dinner.†Used as it is in the headline, however, shame is a strong word, calling up images of the Indian removals known as the Trail of Tears, the WWII internment camps for U.S. citizens of Japanese descent, and the Tuskegee syphilis experiments that used untreated black Americans as a control group. Daylight Saving Time may be a fraud. It may be annoying, unnecessary, disruptive or any number of disagreeable things, but is it really â€Å"America’s Greatest Shame†? Sometimes the intended purpose of a piece of writing calls for deliberate misuse of words. Advertising and political speeches come to mind. We live under a constant verbal barrage. It’s impossible to ignore the catch phrases of our culture. They enter our minds and speech. If we are writers, they creep into our first drafts. Happily, we can replace poorly chosen words as we revise. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageBroadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form75 Synonyms for â€Å"Hardâ€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gender and the effectiveness of leadership Research Paper
Gender and the effectiveness of leadership - Research Paper Example Leadership is defined as an art and science of influence (Emmerik, 2010). In the past, males were believed that they were blessed with the ability to practice leadership and females were considered ideal for occupying the subordinate roles in the organizations (Jogulu, 2006). Nevertheless, with the passage of time, females’ ability to practice leadership grew and therefore, many of them managed to break the so-called glass ceiling in the organizations that are operating in a vast range of industry (Kolb, 2013). The basic and fundamental purpose of the study is to run a descriptive investigation with reference to males and females’ capability of practicing leadership. The study will be conducted in order to evaluate the presence of the glass ceiling in the local corporate market (Mavin, 2012). Following are the research question and hypotheses respectively (Maleki, 2011). The character of the study will be experimental in nature Literature review Females as Effective Leaders Reports show that male and female leadership styles get influenced for their tasks and considerations based upon the organizational-structure (Maleki, 2011). This structure puts that one’s position in the hierarchy, rather than the gender influences the leadership style. The gender-organization and the gender-organization system develop that gender and organization system combine to influence the leadership behavior in an independent and interactive method (Jogulu, 2006). Major research in the area of gender and leadership stereo typicality show that the workplace is either self -perception centered or subordinate centered, based upon the female or male leadership behavior. ... The character of the study will be experimental in nature Literature review Females as Effective Leaders Reports show that male and female leadership styles get influenced for their tasks and considerations based upon the organizational-structure (Maleki, 2011). This structure puts that one’s position in the hierarchy, rather than the gender influences the leadership style. The gender-organization and the gender-organization system develop that gender and organization system combine to influence the leadership behavior in an independent and interactive method (Jogulu, 2006). Major research in the area of gender and leadership stereo typicality show that the workplace is either self -perception centered or subordinate centered, based upon the female or male leadership behavior. In most of the cases, gender differentiation has been more frequently reported by their subordinates rather than by the leaders themselves (Mavin, 2012). Marissa Mayer who is a CEO of Yahoo proved hersel f as the effective leader as she successfully managed to stimulate growth in the company by taking bold and concrete measures. The removal of policy supporting telecommuting is the most risky decision she took after becoming a leader. The featured lady challenged and nullified the presumption that under her command people can manage to take things easy because female leaders are weak when it comes to implementing discipline. The featured leader proved the common belief wrong by tightening the strings. The females that are leading the show for famous companies are known for their dedication towards discipline whereas; they tend to follow mechanistic philosophy in terms of organizational management. Elena Ford who is Vice President of Consumer Experience
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
To write a case discussing the following using the succession issue in Study
To write a discussing the following using the succession issue in the article as a filter - Case Study Example This short paper looks at some of the important considerations before Mr. Perez can make up his mind. Although Mr. Buffett and his co-manager, which is Mr. Munger, have both agreed that Mr. Todd Combs fits their criteria for their successor, the market did not react very favorably. In fact, on the date of their announcement of an heir apparent, the stock price of the Berkshire Hathaway shares had slumped by 1.3% on the news (Ng, Pulliam & Zuckerman 1). Obviously the market is not as enthusiastic about Mr. Combs as both Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger are. There are several important issues that must be resolved in full satisfaction for such an important matter as succession as a fund manager of several billions worth of investments. In particular, the markets did not share their confidence in Mr. Combs purported ability to make the same investment decisions as Mr. Buffett had made over the years to build his Berkshire Hathaway into a real giant in the investment world. A memorandum-letter that follows in the next pages details some of the crucial considerations to arrive at a sound risk assessment. Greetings and good day! It has come to our attention that you are interested to make an investment in Berkshire Hathaway but is concerned about the succession issue at the firm once Mr. Buffett retires soon. The firm had found a worthy successor in the person of a Mr. Todd Combs whom both Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger had announced to a be a perfect fit. In this connection, here is our assessment of the investment risks involved once Mr. Combs will take over the entire management of Berkshire Hathaway’s investing activities. Investment Philosophy – perhaps this is the most crucial issue or aspect whenever the issue of succession is discussed in any organization, more especially in an investment firm. In this connection, Mr. Combs was found by Messrs. Buffett and Munger to fit exactly with the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effective Evaluation Methods Useful for Evaluating Effective Training Essay Example for Free
Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effective Evaluation Methods Useful for Evaluating Effective Training Essay For over a hundred years the concept of both cost-benefit evaluation and cost-effective evaluation methods has been used for numerous fields and industries to see the positive and negative sides of undertaking a project. These methods has been used to analyze public health; transportation; and etc. Each and every company would rather see more of profits than losses. Employers see that their employees and the trainings are investments to their business. Hence, employers need to have assurances that the trainings that they give out to their employees would be both beneficial to the employers in terms of profit and as well as return of investment (ROI). In order to gain much profit, the employers need to have their employees be up to par with industry standards with avant-garde skills through effective training. Employers do take note that in order to have highly qualified employees they need to give effective and quality training. Using the above mentioned evaluation methods would let the employers know: how much it would cost them to train their employees; the duration of the training – would determine the effectiveness and implementation of the skills. Then again these methodologies are not full-proof as there are numerous factors to be taken note of, to guarantee one hundred percent success rate of these trainings such as: the capabilities of their employees, the willingness of their employees to learn these trainings; and finally applying them during operation. The use of these evaluation methods can be a rough guide to corporations and institutions, to name a few, to see the quality and assess projected costs of trainings and steps to be taken. With such projections yielded by these methods one may be on track with their project management and asset management.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Diseases :: essays papers
Diseases Diseases are any harmful change that interferes with the normal appearance, structure, or function of the body or any of its parts. Since time immemorial, disease has played a role in the history of societies. It has affected and has been affected by economic conditions, wars, and natural disasters. An epidemic of influenza that swept the globe in 1918 killed between 20 million and 40 million people. Within a few months, more than 500,000 Americans died^more than were killed during World War I (1914-1918), World War II (1939-1945), the Korean War (1950-1953), and the Vietnam War (1959-1975) combined. Diseases have diverse causes, which can be classified into two broad groups: communicable and noncommunicable. Communicable diseases can spread from one person to another and are caused by microscopic organisms that invade the body. Noncommunicable diseases are not communicated from person to person and do not have, or are not known to involve, infectious agents. Some diseases, such as the common cold, and come on suddenly and last for no more than a few weeks. Other diseases, such as arthritis, are chronic, consistent for months or years, or reoccur frequently. Every disease has certain characteristic effects on the body. Some of these effects, include fever, inflammation, pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and rashes, are evident to the patient. These symptoms offer important clues that help doctors and other health care professionals make a diagnosis. Many times, the symptoms point to several possible disorders. In those cases, doctors rely on medical tests, such as blood examinations and X rays, to confirm the diagnosis. Communicable diseases are caused by microscopic organisms. Physicians refer to these disease-causing organisms as pathogens. Pathogens that infect humans include a wide variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, and parasitic worms. Also, it has been theorized that some proteins called prions may cause infectious diseases. Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms at least 1 micron long. Some bacteria species are harmless to humans, many are beneficial. But some are pathogens, including those that cause cholera, diphtheria, leprosy, plague, pneumonia, strep throat, tetanus, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever. The bacteria that are harmless and live in or on you are called resident bateria. Viruses are tens or hundreds of times smaller than bacteria. They are not cellular, but consist of a core of genetic material surrounded by a protective coat of protein. Viruses are able to survive and reproduce only in the living cells of a host. Once a virus invades a living cell, it directs the cell to make new virus particles. These new viruses are released into the surrounding tissues, and seek out new cells to infect.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Is it ethical to expel children carrying drugs or alcohol to school
Last year, over â€Å"1000 schoolchildren were suspended, excluded or expelled from New Zealand schools last year for drugs or alcohol-related offences, with the youngest aged 8†(Stuff, 2013). The Ministry of Education released figures showing that one In ten children who had action taken against them in relation to substances in the year 2012, was under 12 years of age (Stuff, 2013). The Education Amendment Act has come under scrutiny as It priorities the right to privacy of students.Effectively It means that schools would lose their authority to search and seize narcotics and conduct random drug tests. This, many educationalists argue, would worsen the problem. The ethical Issue that arises In this case amongst others Is whether schools should continue to retain their search and seizure powers or should the privacy of the students be given priority as per the Education Amendment Bill. Another key issue that is begging resolution is the dilemma of whether or not, children fo und in possession of drugs and alcohol, should be expelled or excluded.Is expulsion of a child found In possession of narcotics in the best Interests of society and the child In question? It is important to also mention that since most of the children procured the absences from a knowing or unknowing adult, should the adult be vicariously responsible for the child take responsibility and face the consequences Instead of letting the child take the fall? Is It not the responsibility of the parent to ensure that children stay away from vices until they are old enough to judge for themselves?Due 1 OFF expulsion and attempt to provide some insight into whether or not it is the best course of action to employ. Thomas Hobbes (1651) proposed the idea that â€Å"in order to flourish, we need a peaceful, cooperative social order†(Reaches & Reaches, 2010, p. 0). Hobbes goes on to say that if there were no institutions to enforce order, we would be free to do whatever we wanted. This wo uld eventually lead to a state of perpetual chaos. He has called this state of chaos â€Å"the state of nature†and it's opposite â€Å"civil state†(Reaches & Reaches, 2010).This means that in order to live harmoniously, we must abide by a set of rules that are accepted by everyone and applies to everyone equally. Hobbes was of the opinion that the four basic facts about human life were the reason for the existence of this social contract. He theorized firstly, that each of us requires the same basic things in order to survive, secondly, scarcity is omnipresent and we need to work hard to produce the things we need. Third on the list is the equality of human power (united we stand, divided we fall).Finally, there is limited altruism, which implies that we cannot assume that others will stand down when their interests conflict with ours. Since we do not learn the accepted rules of society on our own, we have schoolteachers and parents who amongst other things teach us how to behave in a socially acceptable manner. School helps us learn to build and maintain relationships. Most importantly attending school empowers us with knowledge to survive in the real world. Take school out of the equation and that leaves Just parents.Now consider the case of a young child who has gotten himself expelled for being curious about his parent's secret drug stash. Unable to attend school, he might not realize the difference between a Joke and a crime because he is unaware of right and wrong, socially acceptable and unacceptable. He may develop an insecurity employ as he probably feels helpless and is shunned by his parents. These factors might lead him to become a criminal or worse, a drug addict. It is quite obvious that criminals and drug addicts are anti-social elements that need to be removed from the setting.It is safe to say that not all criminals are school dropouts however, most addicted to drugs haven't been educated about the consequences of substance abu se and are helplessly addicted. The Social Contract Theory maintains that we need a social order in order to flourish. The only way to eliminate most of anti-social elements is to ensure that kids found in possession of drugs or alcohol remain in school to learn how to behave appropriately, and eventually grow up to become conscientious and responsible adults.The theory of Utilitarianism as stated by Reaches & Reaches (2010) encompasses three categories. Firstly, actions can be Judged to be right or wrong depending on the consequences it brings about. Secondly, in terms of examining consequences, all that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness the action in question creates; person is more important than the other. This means that actions should be Judged as right or wrong depending on the amount of happiness or unhappiness everyone experiences as a consequence.Thus a deduction can be made that Utilitarian are essentially consequentialness, as they determine the ethical v alue based on an answer to the question â€Å"what would happen as a result of doing it? †(Reaches & Reaches, 2010, p. 111). Utilitarianism is divided into two categories namely, Act and Rule Utilitarianism. Act Utilitarian believe that an action must be Judged by the consequences it causes (Reaches & Reaches, 2010, p. 22). Rule Utilitarian believe that an action must be Judged on the consequence of the action becoming the norm that everyone lived by (Reaches & Reaches, 2010, p. 18-119). Therefore it can be said that Utilitarianism Judges actions based on whether they yield the best consequences and happiness for everyone or not. Upon application of the Utilitarian approach to the issue of expulsion, the action of excluding children who are found in possession of narcotics or alcohol would produce two possible consequences. Firstly, because the child has been expelled, he ay lose interest in studying altogether. It is a proven fact that schools provide a protective environme nt that shields people from drug abuse (Bell, 2013).If they are unable to stay in that protected environment before entering the proverbial ‘real world' there is a chance that they may be negatively influenced and resort to a life of crime, drug abuse and other anti-social behavior. The second consequence of one child caught in possession of drugs being expelled could serve as an example to the other children. This might cause them to refrain from coming in contact with drugs earning punishment.Although the second consequence appears to be feasible, as many children would benefit from one child being expelled and being made an example of, it is not guaranteed that other children will not indulge in drugs and alcohol outside school. Also, going by Rule Utilitarianism, if expelling children became the norm, crime, unemployment and illiteracy rates would rise and this in turn would affect the entire nation negatively. Therefore, Act and Rule Utilitarian would agree that expelling children found in possession of narcotics would be very unethical, as it loud cause much more unhappiness than happiness.Also, since Utilitarian believe that everyone's happiness is equal, and that motives and intentions don't matter, causing unhappiness to one child and to the general population in the long run by expelling him from school is something they would advocate against. In conclusion, I have explored the idea of a Social Contract and the Utilitarian approach in terms of the case to determine whether or not expelling children found to be in possession of narcotics or alcohol is ethical. Taking into consideration theSocial Contract, and the possible consequences of Act and Rule based Utilitarianism I have deduced that expulsion or exclusion from school is not the best course of action. In order to suit everyone's interests, it is crucial that the kids remain in school where they have the opportunity to learn about narcotics and socially acceptable behavior in a controlled and protected environment. After all, they are children, unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and in this case, it is imperative that Children are the future of any country and it is our moral duty to ensure that all sections we take have their best interests at heart.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Activating Communities for Hunger Relief Efforts
The San Francisco-Marin Food Bank on Behalf of App Users By abashedly Activating Communities for Hunger Relief Efforts, foodstuffs(TM) Donates to The San Franciscans Food Bank on Behalf of App Users 1 888 parallelism Free Mobile App Promotes Healthier Communities by Providing Weight Management Tools while Fighting Hunger Through Food Bank Donations.Oklahoma City, K footwear's is a free app that combines weight management with feeding the hung ray by donating to food banks such as the San Francisco Marin Food Bank In San Francisco, CA. Joining a nationwide network of footwear's affiliated food banks, the San Franciscans Food Bank continues Its work to build healthier communities while engaging locals through technology to sup port a cause. In order for the the San Francisco Marin Food Bank to receive donations from footwear's, a user must report â€Å"tweezing†(cutting calories from their food) to the app.Once footwear's race elves the number of calories that a weight consciou s consumer has chosen to eliminate from their food, the food bank will receive a donation in that amount. An equal number of nutritious calories will then b e distributed to hungry families in the area. â€Å"The SF Marin Food Bank is pleased to begin our partnership with footwear's to enable con summer to support our work to end hunger In our community,†said Blain Johnson, Food Bank m Edie relations manager. It is important to us that footwear's aligns with our goal to promote healthy com unities. Support from footwear's will allow us to provide healthy food to families in need. †As a food bank that distributes 105,000 meals worth of food every day, the San Franca compare Food Bank is a partnering food bank that supports many struggling members of the communities I s serves. The 46 million pounds it distributes each year can now be supported by weight conscious, cause conscious, consumers who appreciate the impact foodstuffs will have on their neighbors. Towhees make s it possible for consumers to be â€Å"heroes†who serve their comma entitles at no cost of time make the process of donating to their community even easier, footwear's allows users to post a â€Å"tweak†on Faceable or Twitter which doubles or triples each donation. The approach consists of footwear's users simply telling the app what food they ar e thinking of buying, eating or preparing.The app instantly displays images of suggested â€Å"tweets†that re move enough calories to make a positive difference but not in a way that changes the taste or leaves users hungry. To provide users with this simple tool, footwear's maintains a corkscrewed picture e database of more than 44,000 small changes that show users how to â€Å"tweak†everything from a particular ar brand of cheeseburger at a national restaurant chain to grocery store purchases, and homemade e dishes of every kind. s proud and excited to support the San Francisco Marin Food Bank,†said Elise Shannon, footwear's Executive Vice President of Partnership Development. â€Å"The San Francis Marin Food Bank is a highly committed and respected organization that provides outstanding service to of dimensioned members of our community. †footwear's is rapidly expanding its partner base to food banks all across the nation, with more Joining each week, said Ms. Shannon, herself a former food bank executive. Food banks that wish to affiliate with footwear's may contact Ms.Shannon by email at Elise ( @ ) foodstuffs dot com dot Jay Walker, the inventor of footwear's, is also the chairman of Patent Properties and curator of TEEMED, the health and medicine edition of the famous TED conference. A noted entrepreneur r, Mr.. Walker has founded three companies that serve more than 50 million customers. He is best know n as the creator of Principle, which brought a new level of value to the travel industry. Http:// www. foodstuffs. Com HTTPS://www. Faceable. Com/Foodstuffs HTTPS ://twitter. Com/Foodstuffs HTTPS://foodstuffs. Tumbler. Com
Friday, November 8, 2019
Filo Essays - Ondertitel, Basis Van, Ervaring, Manier, Kies, Rust
Filo Essays - Ondertitel, Basis Van, Ervaring, Manier, Kies, Rust Filo Essayopdracht over hoofdstuk 3 Kennis en Weten Schrijf een essay onder de werktitel Kennis ? een venster op de werkelijkheid of een product van mijn geest? Je presenteert in dit essay twee filosofische theorie?n over het proces van kennisverwerving en legt uit op welke punten ze van elkaar verschillen. Kies hiervoor een rationalist en een empirist. Vervolgens leg je aan je lezer uit waarom de ene theorie volgens jou een overtuigender antwoord biedt op de gestelde vraag dan de andere. Schrijf je essay op basis van de hierna volgende richtlijnen. Beperk je bij het schrijven tot n gedachte per alinea. Begin met een eerste versie. De verfraaiing ? stilistisch en anderszins ? komt daarna pas. Je kunt rust en systeem in je schrijven brengen door je werkstuk alvast in te delen overeenkomstig de hieronder volgende 8 punten. Kennis ? een venster op de werkelijkheid of een product van mijn geest? 1Werktitel Als je klaar bent met het schrijven van je essay kun je de werktitel desgewenst vervangen door een eigen titel, eventueel met een ondertitel. Een goede titel is zowel zakelijk als pakkend: hij dekt de lading en spreekt de lezer direct aan. 2Inleiding en probleemstelling -Begin je essay met een levendige schets van een concrete ervaring of situatie die je lezer op een directe manier met je onderwerp confronteert. Welke ervaring of situatie je hier schetst is aan jou. Eis: je schets moet aansluiten op de probleemstelling. -Vervolgens formuleer je op basis van deze schets het probleem dat je aan de orde wilt stellen: we menen dat onze kennis betrekking heeft op de werkelijkheid, maar kunnen we daar wel zo zeker van zijn? Slaat datgene wat we weten op de werkelijkheid zelf of is onze kennis slechts een product van onze eigen geest? 3Aankondiging Nu schets je hoe je deze vraag gaat uitwerken. Je geeft aan: -welke filosofen je achtereenvolgens gaat bespreken en vergelijken; -om te kunnen zien wie het meest overtuigende antwoord biedt op je probleem; -eventueel kun je alvast vooruitlopen op de conclusie, maar om de spanning erin te houden kun je die ook in het midden laten. 4Filosoof 1 -Geef hier een uitwerking van de wijze waarop deze filosoof het proces van kennisverwerving beschrijft. Doe dit met het oog op de vraag die je in de inleiding hebt geformuleerd: kunnen we wel zo zeker zijn dat onze kennis betrekking heeft op de werkelijkheid en niet slechts een product is van de geest? Dat betekent dat je die punten moet accentueren waaraan je de argumenten voor een antwoord op deze vraag kunt ontlenen. -Benoem stilzwijgende vooronderstellingen, principi?le uitgangspunten en formuleer aan de hand daarvan eventuele vragen en/of bezwaren, uiteraard alleen als ze relevant zijn voor je centrale vraag. -Eindig deze paragraaf met een tussenconclusie: hoe zou deze filosoof je vraag beantwoorden? 5Filosoof 2 -Verwerk hier de wijze waarop de tweede filosoof het proces van kennisverwerving beschrijft. Ook hier uiteraard de vraag uit de inleiding in het oog houden: betreft kennis de werkelijkheid zelf of is het slechts een product van de geest? Weer accentueer je de punten waaraan je argumenten kunt ontlenen. -Benoem weer eventuele vooronderstellingen, principi?le uitgangspunten en formuleer aan de hand daarvan relevante vragen en/of bezwaren. -Besluit opnieuw met een tussenconclusie: welk antwoord zou filosoof 2 geven op je uitgangsvraag? 6Vergelijking en kritische beoordeling Beschrijf puntsgewijs eerst de overeenkomsten en vervolgens, op basis daarvan, de verschillen tussen beide filosofen. Laat hier duidelijk je eigen stem horen: jij bent degene die uitmaakt welke van de twee filosofen je het meest overtuigt en waarom. De bij 4 en 5 geformuleerde vragen en bezwaren kunnen je hierbij behulpzaam zijn. Werk in deze vergelijking toe naar de conclusie. 7Conclusie Keer nu uitdrukkelijk terug naar de hoofdvraag. Op basis van de deelconclusies en de vergelijking formuleer je jouw antwoord op de beginvraag. Je essay hangt in de lucht als je nalaat een antwoord te formuleren. Dit antwoord: -is helder en ondubbelzinnig, bijvoorbeeld: - ja, onze kennis betreft de werkelijkheid zelf - nee, kennis is slechts een product van onze geest. - anders, namelijk?; -vat kort de doorslaggevende argumenten samen; -geeft geen nieuwe informatie. 9Ten slotte Aardig is om aan het slot terug te komen op het voorbeeld uit het begin, maar noodzakelijk is dit niet. Beoordeling De volgende aspecten van je essay wegen mee bij de beoordeling: -logische opbouw (dus houd je zoveel mogelijk aan bovengeschetste opbouw); -concreetheid (geef voorbeelden); -kritische bespreking van vooronderstellingen en uitgangspunten (onder andere in je
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Data Integration and Data Quality
Data Integration and Data Quality Data is very crucial to organizations because it is the major reference tool that can be used when decisions are to be made. There are two elements of data that go hand in hand and they are namely data integration and data quality. Data integration involves merging information from various sources to make a single pile of information that can be understood by users.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Data Integration and Data Quality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because when a user has to extract information from different sources it might be confusing to him/her hence may not be helpful. On the other hand, data quality entails accuracy and appropriateness of the information obtained from databases. This paper focuses on the differences between the two aspects of data and reviews their importance to companies. Most people think that data quality and integration is one and the same thing but this perception i s only from the perspective of a lay man. The two elements of data, that is, integration and quality are different but we need them both hence we cannot ignore either of them because they are equally important to companies and individuals. In this age of electronic transactions we need to make sure that we minimize errors and also make it simple for our consumers to grasp something from the information that they get while interacting with our systems in their day to day operations. Imhoff (2005) argues that failure to emphasize on quality and integration can lead to decline in business because customers will opt to revert to old manual techniques. Most people emphasize quality more than integration. In the final end the latest developments in technology will loose its importance if the systems are not user friendly. The systems that most companies and other institutions have rolled out were meant to make work easier both to consumers and companies’ staff. They were invented w ith the aim of improving company’s’ performance and productivity but the improvements cannot be realized if the systems don’t work as they were designed to perform. This refers to the way they process information that is input by the users. When system errors occur it is the software developers who bear the most burdens. It should be known that erroneous transactions and information occur when users don’t provide the correct details as required by the system. For instance, when one is making cash withdrawal from an automatic teller machine he/she is responsible of the response that will be provided by the ATM machine. If the customer does not enter the correct pin number, the transaction will not take place and the ATM card will not be dispensed by the machine. This is one of the best examples of how systems can be designed to deal with data quality.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OF F Learn More Data quality is one of the protective measures that is highly valued by most companies because the records that are stored in databases can be used to trace events and for the referencing to be useful the data has to be free from errors. The data must be encoded appropriately because data can have common characters such as customer names which can be shared by various people. According to findings by META Group (2004), in data quality the main areas that attract attention are correctness, accuracy, completeness, and relevance. The correctness bit of data has been covered in the previous paragraphs. For data to be of good quality it must be complete because if some bits are missing the systems may encounter errors and fail to process the provided data. For instance, if customer’s date of birth is missing in its respective field, we can say that the data is not complete because the system cannot generate such information on its own unless it is prov ided by the user. Most of the time the missing bits could have been omitted erroneously when the data base was being developed. At times some bits of data are erased by mistake hence the ones that are left don’t make sense. In such cases the lost or missing data has to be recovered using the relevant technologies. This is because companies cannot make important decisions when the data they are referring to is incomplete and incase a company goes ahead to make decisions without complete data the company could incur losses owed to poor strategies which are caused by misleading information (Barney, 2004). We know that records are used when making budgets and can also be referenced in future while making decisions hence companies of these days don’t compromise on data quality. In fact there are software programs that can be very useful in tracking events leading to data loss. Moreover, data should be backed up and stored in a different location so that incase a fire destro ys the company premises its data will remain intact. Data should also be updated regularly for it to retain its quality. This is because outdated data can not be useful when making decisions. It is therefore recommended that data should be updated with change of events. For instance, in health records the data should incorporate current events in the patients’ data such as the medical procedures and health developments that have been reported by the patient such as number of births. In addition, it would be best to include new items that have been introduced by the company in the data base. When this information is not added to the existing information concerning a particular patient it might be difficult for medical personnel to make decisions concerning that patient and problems can occur due to lack of certain information. Besides, the information in the database needs to be correct for it to be useful because if it is based on estimation it could be misleading.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Data Integration and Data Quality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This implies that the figures and other characters should be exact. For instance, the age of the customer should be accurate and this accurateness should also be applied in company information such as location. This is because sometimes the customers want to visit the company premises but then when they access the site map of the company location it does not reflect what is on the ground (Pipino, Lee, Wang, 2002). Data integration incorporates data from other records to make a comprehensive data depending on who will need that data and how it will be used. Integrating data saves both time and money that would be spent viewing individual records. It comes with convenience for the company and its clients. The information can be arranged in a way that only data within a specific range is available to the user instead of availing a ll the data while the majority of data is irrelevant to the user (Berson Dubov, 2007). Before data can be integrated, it is important to focus on how the data is laid out in their respective sources. This means that experts have to analyze the structure of data and design a newer structure based on the compatibility of data from various foundations. This is because there are some fields which do not match and hence they may cause the data to loose its relevance to the user. For instance, in institutional records the data fields about lecturer’s date of birth may not match with students records hence the person who is deriving the integration should incorporate data based on the relationship between the data fields. Data integration is useful while making decisions because it allows the users to make comparisons of various departments in their companies. For instance, for a company to make decisions regarding loss and profits it has to focus on the records from purchases and compare the information provided to that of sales records. Data integration fosters reliable presentations because repetitions are avoided hence the system is able to deliver the required results and thus achieve customer satisfaction (META Group, 2004). For instance, when a customer is opening a new account in a company’s website if she/he enters a username that already exists, the system will notify him/her and will probably provide suggestions. When data from various databases is merged it is easy for administrators of a company to foresee events before they take place. These events include decline in sales and other disciplines that are linked to company performance.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, if the performance from a particular department starts to fall the management will realize in good time and thus take the best action to caution the company. When data is not integrated risk management can be difficult to analyze because people would access the records that are relevant to them and ignore the rest. Data integration promotes simplicity because processes take a shorter time to be completed unlike when data is stored separately. When data is stored separately systems are forced to check for information from every individual database which takes a lot of time. This is because it has to select the data that is required from a huge amount of data. When data is integrated the required information is already grouped in one category hence processing it becomes easier. In conclusion, data quality and data integration are two different aspects but they are related because they belong to the same entity which is data. The two aspects are very important and thus sh ould be given appropriate importance because they are the elements of reliable data. Organizations such as IBM have been able to develop applications that help companies to integrate their data from different sources. This fosters data quality and thus improves productivity. Therefore, companies should manage their data well without compromising the two aspects of data. References Barney, B. (2004, June 18). Put your faith in CRM’s stewards. TechTarget. Retrieved from Berson, A. Dubov, L. (2007). Master Data Management and Customer Data Integration for a Global Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Imhoff, C. (2005). Data quality or integration-which is more difficult?. BeyeNetwork. Retrieved from META Group (2004) The future of data integration technologies. sunopsis. Retrieved from s/Document%20Library/The%20Future%20of%20Data%20Integration%20Technologies.pdf Pipino, L., Lee, Y., and Wang, R. (2002). Data Quality Assessment. Communications of the ACM. 45(4ve): 211-218. Retrieved from
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Hearsay & Crawford v. Washington Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hearsay & Crawford v. Washington - Assignment Example There are several methods used for impeachment in a court of law and these include bias, character, inconsistent statement, contradiction and competency. The court allows demonstration of bias through cross-examination for impeachment, and this involves use of personal interests such as financial stake, blood relations among others to catalyze witness bias. Similarly, character is an impeachment method that focuses on demonstrating bad character such as prior conviction or non intrinsic evidence. Inconsistent statement involves use of prior statements that do not match the current testimony for impeachment, and these may also be used as substantive evidence. On the other hand, contradiction as a method of impeachment is where the witness says two or more contradicting statements in the same testimony. Finally, competency is the impeachment method where the witness lacks the required mental capacity, or he/she cannot sense what he claims to have. The Federal Rules if Evidence defines hearsay as, "a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted" (Federal Rules of Evidence, 2009). Therefore, hearsay is out-of-court evidence and thus allowing it in a court trial interferes with the methods of testing credibility. For instance, testimonial hearsay does not give a chance for impeachment of the witness in order to determine the credibility of the evidence. The Sixth Amendment states that "[i]n all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the be confronted with the witnesses against him†(US Supreme Court Media, 2004). However, in some cases the court allows evidence from out-of-the-court testimony on grounds that it should be reliable evidence. This is exemplified in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2004, on the case of Crawford v. Washington. Crawford, together with his wife, Sylvia, confronted and stabbed a ma n, Lee, who allegedly raped his wife. During the trial, Miranda was unable to testify as a result of the marital privilege rule of Washington, and thus, her statement was presented for the jury in the form of recorded evidence. As a result, Crawford was denied the opportunity to cross-examine witness as provided for in the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment. Hence, argued that the court violated the Confrontation Clause by allowing his wife’s recorded-statement to be used in the trial, and thus denying him a chance for cross-examination. The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court reformulated the standards for the inclusion of hearsay statements in criminal trials under the Sixth Amendment. According to the court, cross-examination is required only to admit a witness’s prior testimonial statements, which was unavailable in the case of Crawford v. Washington. Crawford v. Washington Supreme Court’s decision relied on the Ohio v. Roberts U. S. Supreme Courtâ⠂¬â„¢s decision of 1980. In this decision, the court allowed use of out-of-court testimony against the defendant so long as the testimony was reliable. On those grounds, the court determined that Sylvia’s statement was reliable and thus could be used as evidence in the trial. The trial court noted that the evidence was trustworthy and gave reasons to support its use in the criminal case against Crawford. For example, Sylvia and Crawford were interrogated separately, and the statements
Friday, November 1, 2019
Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Policy - Essay Example Policies in academic institutions remain to be central in molding students through providing them with responsible conducts essential for life. However, formulating academic policies that foster pleasant interaction between policy makers and students, faculty, staff and administrators has continued to face challenges hence hindering the achievement of educators’ mission. This paper shall candidly and comprehensively review the library policies used by Arizona State University (ASU), to ascertain the practicability of such policies and recommend necessary policy-changes that can help transform the university. Arizona University formulated rule and regulation that are fundamental in guiding students toward accessing and utilizing the library resource. The library is known as a treasure-house of knowledge acquisition as it helps in stimulating the mind with its resourceful material. The library can be unpleasant to unlucky learners who cannot afford to buy the book or other reading material to enhance their learning (Doyle p. 148). Therefore, the school libraries should be easily accessible and do not exploit its users through heavy fines and inconvenient policies. ASU library is vital toward the student and the staff in general. Therefore, the policy guiding the library must be made in their interest. However, the university has continued to formulate exploitive policies towards this vital department that act like the source of knowledge. Arizona State University has made and implemented these policies: student must pay for the books they require for their studies; student, staff and facu lty also must be charges an overdue of $10.00 cost of learning and teaching material replacement after 90 day (Melnick p. 179). The university also implements other fines such as recall for the material at $10, reserves cost at $1.00 per hour to $20 per item, community card holder at $10.00 billing fees and should
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