Friday, December 27, 2019
Women s Role During The Twentieth Century - 1884 Words
The twentieth century is known as the historically transitional period of women’s roles in society not only in America but also all over the globe. Early the twentieth century, women began to question their positions and rights. They found that their value didn’t just stop at domestic work. They no longer wanted to be seen a potential source of †help†for men but wanted to take part in the process of society’s development like any other men. Even in literature, many famous authors started to indicate women’s role through their novels. Mostly, this foundational period of women movement was usually emphasized within the frontier context. Thus, it was believed that the transition and progress between the Western countryside and big city in the East play a big role in the changes of women themselves as well as the society’s perspective toward women. Women began to approach other opportunities to work different types of jobs other than just s taying home doing housework. Also, women held many responsibilities during the westward expansion, such as managing the movement of households overland, establishing social activities in pioneer settlements, and sharing the hard labor of farming new land. Eventually, frontier towns attracted women who worked as laundresses and seamstresses, and organized church societies and other reform movements. In other words, the born of Feminism took place and was impacted by the Westward movement. Willa Cather strongly represented the new beginning forShow MoreRelatedWomen ´s Role During the Twentieth Century: Susan Glaspell1137 Words  | 5 Pagesa variety of symbols in her play to demonstrate the stereotypical view and treatment of women by men during the start of the twentieth century. She intricately portrays the female characters in her story as intelligent, but passive due to the fact that males dismiss their ideas and conversations as unimportant. The play, Trifles, uses multiple symbols to show how men fail to recognize the intelligence of women, and oppress the feminists’ way of thinking throughout society. The title, Trifles, suggestsRead MoreFeminism Is Not About Making Women Stronger1441 Words  | 6 Pagesmaking women stronger. Women are already strong. It s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. - G.D Anderson  Our culture in the early Twentieth Century was biased in many ways, as it still is to this day in the Twenty-first Century. One of the major struggles were men s biased writing about women. Many women then and to this day still stand up and try to fight for equality. Women used to be given certain roles to be a part of society in our history. One of the main roles wasRead MoreWomen s Gender And Gender Roles955 Words  | 4 PagesIn terms of the heterosexual majority, respectability applied deeply to women and their gender roles as wives, because it was the way to distinguish between good and oversexed women (Kushner 9/25/15). The characteristics of women consisted of being pious, pure and religious, as they were the moral superiors to men (Kushner, 9/25/15). This moral superiority linked to the idea that Cott presents of female passionlessness, which was the result of subsequent lack of sexual aggressiveness (Cott 1987:Read MoreThe Role Of Gender As A Symbol Of Femininity1240 Words  | 5 PagesThe role of gender was evidently defined before the twentieth century. However, the twentieth century brought a lot of changes to women and their condition, inside and outside the house. Women started getting appreciated in the previously male dominating society. However, this didn’t last for long and by the mid-century men continued their dominating role back in the society. Tennessee Williams wrote this play in the fifties when this change was happening in society. In this play, male dominanceRead MoreOppression in Cuckoos Nest1621 Words  | 7 Pagesoppress women and Native Americans. â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†and â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own,†are similar due to the fact that they both metaphorically represent racism in the United States; it is clearly displayed through entrapment, subjugation of people, and prejudicial undertones used to limit the societal roles of those who face bigotry. The forced entrapment of Chief Bromden in â€Å"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,†represents the forsaken lives of the Native Americans during theRead MoreHow Chinese Culture Has Changed Over The Years1509 Words  | 7 Pagestraced back many centuries. It is so diverse and unique, yet harmoniously blended, and presents itself a priceless benefit to the world. One of the integral parts of Chinese culture that was not thoroughly discussed in class is the role Chinese women played in ancient traditional society and how it has transformed in the many historical changes is the way of life in china. I aim to speak on women in ancient times, women at the end of feudal society as well as the role of women in present day ChinaRead MoreA Fierce Discontent By Michael Mcgerr, The Jungle By Upton Sinclair And Industrial Workers911 Words  | 4 Pagesand roles began to shift. Many farmers moved their families into the cities and began working in factories. Not only did men work in these factories, but many women did as well. During the beginning of the twentieth century we begin to see a huge rise in women in the work force. In the novels A Fierce Discontent by Michael McGerr, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and Industrial Workers in Chicago by Lizabeth Cohen, each author paints a picture of what lives of different individuals was like during thisRead MoreFlappers, Conservativism and Changes in Fashion1103 Words  | 4 PagesSince the early twentieth century, there have been many fads and changes in the fashion industry. From cloche hats in the early 1900s, to big hair in the 1980s and to the low rise of jeans of the present day fashion still continues to evolve with the way society changes. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fashion as, a popular way of dressing at a particular time or among a particular group of people. Throughout history, fashion has been changing. Whether it is a group wanting to make a fashionRead MoreGender And Its Role Is Affected By Direct And Indirect External Factors1279 Words  | 6 Pagesidea of gender and its role is affected by direct and indirect external factors. Since the beginning of time in European Society, women have constantly been viewed and treated as inferiors to men. Specifically, women have wanted to stray away from the socially constructed idea of being perceived as domesti cated beings. As the Victorian era came to the end, women yearned for that change. When the twentieth century approached, women actively desired to alter the gender role that had been set for themRead MoreThe Straight State : Homosexuality And Citizenship During Twentieth Century America Essay1416 Words  | 6 Pagesto light during the twentieth century and is still prevalent today. There are arguments by certain individuals that claim that discrimination of those who identify as non-heterosexual have disappeared. I would argue that such discrimination is still alive and present in our modern society. Very noticeable today with the values of our Vice-President Elect Mike Pence who thinks that homosexuality can be â€Å"fixed†through electric shock therapy. Values like this are similar to that held during the twentieth
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Poem Essay - 1284 Words
Foreign Policy Debate The Current U.S foreign policy in the Middle East has a goal to advance peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East. The Current foreign Policy is also supposed to defeat Al-Qa’ida and its extremist affiliates in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The United States Foreign policy protects the U.S citizens by governing international relations, but the current U.S. foreign policy undermines our national security in the Middle East, through drone strikes, the war in Afghanistan, and using a â€Å"hands-off†approach in Syria which has created the U.S. to becoming a target to Middle Eastern Countries. The Current U.S. foreign policy does undermine our national security through sending troops to Afghanistan. America is†¦show more content†¦Facts do not support the U.S. involvement \and does â€Å"not justify the continued military occupation of the country†(Cushman 1). Again, by having troops in other places besides the U.S., fighting other countries wars, hurts national security back in the United States, because it leaves our home boarders unprotected. Another issue that threatens our nation security due to the current Foreign Policy is drone strikes. The U.S. has dramatically increased the number of drone strikes against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula jeopardizing long term national security goals (5). President Barack Obama sent and continues to send drones to places such as Pakistan. The drones are inaccurate and the end result is killing innocent people who are not the overall target. For example, a drone strike that was meant for a building where a local rebel group was placed hits and kills that building, but also innocent bystanders and citizens. By sending drone strikes and killing innocent people it angers countries such as Pakistan. By using drone strikes it promotes an image that the U.S. is uncaring and as responsible for the deaths of innocents, people adopt radical revenge ideologies, perpetuating terrorism (5) . The current state of our legal documents that govern drone use are murky and unclear which opens the U.S. to international criticism that affects our national security (5). A country that is angry at the U.S. will take action and harm citizens which therefore hurt ourShow MoreRelatedShakespeare s Sonnets Of 14 Lines1542 Words  | 7 Pagespoetry of the time. Additionally, he uses imagery later in the poem; â€Å"darling buds of May†and given away to the â€Å"eternal sun.†In the second line, the speaker says his beloved is lovely and more constant and this is the only line in the sonnet about the qualities of the lover. The next eleven lines are devoted to a comparison, distinguishing the young man from a summer’s day and why summer isn’t all great. Throughout the poem, you will find examples of personification; Summer â€Å"to short a lease†Read More Sonnets: The Power of Love Essay1581 Words  | 7 Pagesdeveloped was that of his poems as a device to help his lady or himself, or to exalt their love to posterity. For example, in Son net 55, Shakespeare says his poetry will immortalize his lady. He writes, So, till the judgment that yourself arise/ You live in this, and dwell in lovers eyes. Because he loves her so much, he attempts to allow her to live forever, which he thinks he can do through his sonnets. In Sonnet 23, Shakespeare says that when the lovers die, he wants his poems to be a window backRead MoreShakespeares Exploration in Sonnet 2 of the Themes of Age and Beauty1459 Words  | 6 Pagesemphasise the summing up at the end. Shakespeare uses the typical Iambic sonnet form and the method of creating an argument then supplying a counter argument and answer through a volter, which may be placed at different points in the poem. It contains three quatrains and a couplet into which Shakespeare manages to fit his argument so that it is complimented by this form. In this case the first quatrain is the fundamental description, which seems to prepare the readerRead MoreThe Lady Of Shalott And My Last Duchess1765 Words  | 8 PagesThere are many poems about love, but fewer poems about the dynamics of that love, of the power structure inherent in heterosexual relationships. Two poems that don’t seem to have much in common at first glance â€Å"The Lady of Shalott†and â€Å"My Last Duchess†make these power dynamics a central theme of their respective plots. Specifically, these poems put a huge emphasis on how women interact with men, and revolve around a feminine need for male approval, even in death. In this paper I will examine theRead More Reality in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar Essay2476 Words  | 10 Pagesrealization that the meaning of a poem is not truth, always recognizing that the poem is the poets perception of reality. This perception of reality is based on experience, historical context, and poetic skill, among others. â€Å"The Man with the B lue Guitar†is a long poem that allows Stevens to change perspectives and create abstract realities. Parataxis in such a long poem allows for the decreation of reality and the relation of imagination. In his book, The long poems of Wallace Stevens: An interpretiveRead MoreThe Foundation Of Image : William Shakespeare1323 Words  | 6 Pagestheir reader’s head in order to bring a story to life. William Shakespeare was nowhere shy of doing these things. He compared aspects of life such as love, time, nature, death and even sickness to each other to create themes and importance to his poems. Many of them show strong feelings which showed the strong passion he had for writing. His passion carries along today because it painted a picture for new writers to create works that would change literature and views of life altogether. What madeRead MoreEssay on Amer. Lit2033 Words  | 9 Pagesused in Shakespeare’s assigned sonnets, Herrick’s â€Å"To the Virgins,†and Marvell’s â€Å"To His Coy Mistress.†Although their images differ, what do all these poets seem to be saying about time? Be specific when referring to the poems. The imagery is very different, but all of the poems and poets seem to be saying time is important in life. In Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 he says, â€Å"And every fair from fair sometime declines,†when explaining the inevitable decline in appearance of his friend (Line 7). In Shakespeare’sRead MoreLiterature Through Time1143 Words  | 5 Pagesonly after he started following the holy path was he special. The themes of transformation, of divine interference, of being elevated by Christ, change and are altogether forgotten by the time we reach Shakespearean sonnets. Even the way that one poem is written from another, with Bede writing more in the style of homer while Shakespeare creates a styling format that will forever be associated with him, Shakespearean sonnets are written in 14 lines which end in a rhyming couplet. Shakespeare’sRead More The Ghastly Writings of Poe Essay1466 Words  | 6 PagesThe Ghastly Writings of Poe Edgar Allen Poe makes tales of imagination and fantasies the irrefutable realms of fear. His tales and poems â€Å"have influenced the literary schools of symbolism†¦as well as the popular genres of detective and horror fiction (Stern xxxviii). However, as many of Poe’s tales and poems conjure terror and trepidation, they also penetrate the imagination with fantasy. Poe repeatedly attempts and succeeds at making his readers endure analogous feelings as those charactersRead More The Wifes Lament Essay1532 Words  | 7 Pagescan be found due to the fact that whoever wrote this poem is dead and that the answer will always be in speculation even if it is correct. Hopefully, at the end of this quest I will be slightly more enlightened as to who the true speaker may really be. There are some things that we do know about this poem. It is most often referred to as an elegy because of the mood of mourning and regret. Upon further reading I discovered that this poem is like others of its time period. Many parallels
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Strategic Workforce Planning in Retail Sector-Samples for Students
Question: Analyze the different kind of crucial elements of the strategic workforce planning in the entire retail industry. Answer: Introduction The essay helps in analyzing the different kind of crucial elements of the strategic workforce planning in the entire retail industry. The different kind of challenges has to be addressed in an effectual manner with the usage of the different literatures as this will help in addressing the same in an effectual manner. The main aim and purpose of the essay is to understand the fundamental elements of the workforce planning in the retail industry specifically in Wal-Mart that is headquartered in United Kingdom. The challenges have to be described effectually as this will help in resolving the issues in an effectual manner. The structure of the essay includes the different kind of challenges that is faced by the retail industry wherein the different kind of solutions will be provided to resolve the issues in an efficient manner. Strategic Workforce Planning in Retail Sector Strategic Workforce Planning is essential in the different kind of organizations as this will help them in creating a working environment that is effective and efficient in nature. Goodman, French Battaglio Jr, (2015) has commented that proper workforce planning is required in order to bring and provide clarity in the plans of the organization along with description of the different kind of analytical functions as well. However, on the other hand Rees et al., (2018) commented that workforce planning requires continual procedure to align the different kind of needs along with priorities of the organization. For instance- Workforce Planning at Wal-Mart is continual in nature wherein the respective company recruits different kind of employees by conducting proper recruitment and selection process along with job descriptions along with person specifications. Proper job description has been provided to the company wherein the person specification has been provided in an effectual manner wherein the different skills are met in an effectual manner. Fagerstrm, Lnning Andersen, (2014) has commented that the different kind of components of the workforce planning is essential in nature as this will reduce the turnover rates along with forecasts of the potential retirements along with analysis of the performance management activities. However, on the other hand, Cohen, Blake Goodman (2016) commented that workforce planning is essential in nature wherein this will help in supporting the different kind of planning along with talent forecasts. Workforce planning helps in supporting the forecasting and budgeting process wherein it helps in identification of skill gaps in the organization along with analysis of the areas of the concern. For instance- Wal-Mart has introduced workforce planning in their organization wherein proper adoption of the new ideas has helped in analysis of the internal environment and action plan has helped the company in making the workforce planning effectual in nature. In order to make their organization high performing, Wal-Mart has developed proper budget and goal setting for them that has helped them in gaining competitive advantage in recruiting and selecting the employees efficiently as well. Crucial Components of strategic workforce planning There is different kind of crucial components of the strategic workforce planning wherein it is seen that main components are as follows: Firstly, De Bruecker et al., (2015) has commented that proper clarity of the different goals of the organizations is essential in nature wherein this will provide the company with different kind of techniques to solve the workforce planning issues and implement the strategies such as implement the process of planning with the help of the recruitment and selection process as this will help in providing clarity to the activities performed by the organization efficiently. On the other hand, Cohen, Blake Goodman (2016) has commented that the clarity of the different policies and procedures is essential in nature that is required to be adopted by the organization as this will help them in understanding the actual organizational structure of the organization effectually. For instance, Wal-Mart has helped in planning the different processes in a manner such that has helped them in managing the technological advancements. Wal-Mart has tried to analyze the gap in their recruitment and selection process along with specification of the jobs provided to the employees as well. Wal-Mart has tried to make different kind of adjustments along with other updates that has helped the company in improving their image relating to the planning of workforce in the entire market. Buchan et al., (2015) commented that workforce planning has helped the companies in identifying the different kind of skill gaps with proper planning and provides consistent reporting of the different results to quantify the different outcomes effectively. However, Cohen, Blake Goodman (2016) has stated that the turnover rates are increasing at a huge rate in retail sector as the planning process is at fault and the organizations are not in a position to take proper care to reduce such issues effectually as well. Challenges faced by organizations during Workforce planning implementation Workforce planning is an essential aspect of any organization. According to Cascio (2018), workforce planning can be described as a process whereby the organization aims to align the priorities of any organization with the suitability of the workforce to see to it that the service, production, legislative and regulatory requirements of the organization is met with. In this section the challenges related to the workforce planning will be discussed along with relevant examples related to the retail industry. The first challenge that is faced during the implementation of workforce planning in the retail industry in a company like Wal-Mart is that the leaders do not want to be taken accountable for the talent management activities (, 2018). Koochaki et al. (2013), states that although business leaders agree that the talent management is essential for the core functioning of the organization , the leaders do not essentially take full accountability for the results which are dries. The primary reason for the given gap is that they tend to have a fear regarding the HR administrative burden, complex procedures and talent management risks. The performance of the teams in a company like Wal-Mart needs to be managed carefully and continuously. Successful management of the performance may lead to better results of the organization. However as stated by Goetsch and Davis (2014), the business leaders do not want to take the burden of managing this and they often go back on their responsi bilities. The second challenge relates to the challenge of identifying critical organization roles. According to Cascio (2018), understanding of various job roles, descriptions, hiring profiles, competencies and other job attributes play a crucial role in hiring the right kind of people for the organization. The retail supermarket Wal-mart, is a customer centric organization whereby the employees of the organization need to remain in direct contact with the customers and thus they require a specific set of skills and this is the task of workforce planning to identify the right kind of skills that need to be present in the employee. The identification of these skills is a crucial task which many members of the organization are unable to undertake. The third challenge that is faced by organizations during workforce planning relates to the problem of accessing relevant workforce data. According to Williams (2013), the data with respect to the candidates and the employees need to be analyzed carefully, which will then enable them to make smart choices regarding their organization requirements. Very often due to the high availability of data, the company is unable to have the success of the right kind of data and this leads to problems. The managers at Wal-Mart face a similar problem whereby there exists a lack of relevant data which then causes problems. The fourth challenge is related to the leadership management in an organization. Very often industries look out for top 10 leaders or top 100 leaders, however, according to Armstrong and Taylor (2014) , in retail companies like Wal-Mart, the focus needs to be on the establishment of leadership pipelines deeper within an organization. As the retail industry is a customer centric industry, the companies face problems related to uncovering the talent of professionals in an organization which often get missed out during the workforce planning. As per Koochaki et al. (2013), a lack of this process may lead to the de-motivation of the employees which may then hinder their career development. Career development forms an essential part of the organization especially in a fast moving industry like that of Wal-Mart and a lack of it may cause higher turnover. The last challenge which may be faced by Wal-Mart in relation to workforce planning may be alignment of Human Capital Management with the Business Strategy. According to Goetsch and Davis (2014), it is very important for any organization to align the HCM strategy with the Business Strategy in order to create a successful workforce. Various talent management strategies need to be implemented under the business strategies. However, in reality Wal-Mart has been facing problems in relation to the alignment of the human resource strategy with the business strategy and for this reason, the workforce has a high turnover, which then leads to poor performance of the supermarket. Conclusion Therefore, from the given study on the critical components of workforce planning and the related challenges, it could be gathered that Workforce planning forms an essential part of an organization. Without a proper department which looks after the human resource of the organization, the firm will not be able to retain long term employees and become successful. The concerned organization taken for the assignment belonging to the retail industry is Wal-Mart. However, the essential elements of workforce planning like clarity in a firm and proper identification of gap is lacking in Wal-Mart and they need to take corrective measures for it. The various challenges being faced by them have been discussed. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Buchan, J., Twigg, D., Dussault, G., Duffield, C., Stone, P. W. (2015). Policies to sustain the nursing workforce: an international perspective.International nursing review,62(2), 162-170. Cascio, W. (2018).Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education. Cohen, G., Blake, R. S., Goodman, D. (2016). Does turnover intention matter? Evaluating the usefulness of turnover intention rate as a predictor of actual turnover rate.Review of Public Personnel Administration,36(3), 240-263. De Bruecker, P., Van den Bergh, J., Belin, J., Demeulemeester, E. (2015). Workforce planning incorporating skills: State of the art.European Journal of Operational Research,243(1), 1-16. Fagerstrm, L., Lnning, K., Andersen, M. H. (2014). The RAFAELA system: a workforce planning tool for nurse staffing and human resource management.Nursing Management (2014+),21(2), 30. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Goodman, D., French, P. E., Battaglio Jr, R. P. (2015). Determinants of local government workforce planning.The American Review of Public Administration,45(2), 135-152. Koochaki, J., Bokhorst, J. A., Wortmann, H., Klingenberg, W. (2013). The influence of condition-based maintenance on workforce planning and maintenance scheduling.International Journal of Production Research,51(8), 2339-2351. Rees, G. H., Crampton, P., Gauld, R., MacDonell, S. (2018). Rethinking health workforce planning: Capturing health system social and power interactions through actor analysis. Futures. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2018]. Williams, C. (2013).Principles of management. South-Western Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Supportive Communication free essay sample
Supportive Communication BY sheep0803 Topic: Supportive Communication In this essay we are going to discuss and evaluate a kind of interpersonal communication that helps managers to communicate accurately and honestly without Jeopardizing interpersonal relationships namely, supportive communication (Cole 1999). Positive supportive communication not only can enhance personal image and social acceptance, also is an essential value in organization. Bentley (1999) point out that, with supportive communication, organization have this positive relationship tends to have a higher productivity, faster problem solving leads o less conflict between managers and employees, even individual feel more successful because of higher leanings. It means that supportive communication is an important tool to help organization to accomplish their goals. To build up an effective and efficient organizing, there is a need of supportive environment, good leadership and effective communication. It is an advantage to both company and individuals. This essay is going to illustrate how supportive communication affect an organization and the factors involved in maintaining and building an effective organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Supportive Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this essay, there are three different peer- reviewed articles, which talk about supportive communication in the frame work within an organization, academic stress and health. According to the information in U. S. Bureau of Labor (2004), over 50% of the married households were reckoned to have dual-income. Dual income means that both parents were working. Families with children at home would require more fund to support. However, both parents working will create difficult struggle for them to balance between work and family demands. There is a good example that showed the serious of this problem. Hill, Hawkins, Ferris, and Weitzman (2001) had done a survey on 6451 IBM employees. The result has shown that around 50% of the participants reported to have problem to maintain balance between work and family. To improve this situation Clark (2000) had introduced a border theory. This theory framework is focus on how to manage relationship between work and family o create and maintain balance. This theory will describe later in this essay. Another example that appeared supportive communication is relevant there was a questionnaire packet survey on instruments relevant to the present study interspersed with other, on-relevant instruments has taken at two Eastern universities. 739 of questionnaires had been collected. Xu and Burleson (2001) had an Expericenced Support instrument to measure the scale. The result of the survey shown that students standard of feeling stress is 5 (degree form 1-7, 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree). This example shown students are feeling stressed and how much informational supportive communication received from closed friends and families are essential to release this problem. Emotional support, like, attentive listening, and nformational support, such as advice and training, had been use to solve this problem in this survey. More about that will describe later in this essay. The last students attended college fail to obtain a bachelor degree. To help these academic- at-risk student Center for Basic Skill (CBS) programs provide support to students, such as academic support and personal advice support, this is supportive communication. With this program students can better off to get retention in college. The author also use two models to evaluate this risk, they are Epidemiological Model, Social Constructivist Model. These two model help to reduce number of at-risk- student. Further detail on how to help students by supportive communication will discuss later in this essay. This essay emphasize that how important the balance between interaction of work envoironment and interaction between family environment. We have discuss in pervious part of the essay that 50% of the Americans families suffer in uneven distribution communication between family and work and Clark (2000) had introduced a border theory to improve this problem. . This interaction between these two factors family and work, is the central focus in border theory. Border theory is helping people according to individual situation, to create and maintain balance. Clark (2000) got her idea for work/family border theory based on concept of Lewin (1996) conception of regions to divide boundaries within individuals lifespace. However, Clark state that ambiguous may occur where there is too osmosis and flexible between the borders. A strong layer between family and work will benefit to certain people (Edwards and Rothbard 1999). Based on the responses form 1700 employees, researchers found out that borders between family and work are tightly mpacted by the perceptions of importance to employees about work and family. It simply means that how they put weight between work and family. For people who feel their work is not important and pervade work into family domain is classified as intrusive. In other hand, for those who think their families are more important an intrusive of work into family domain will not happened. Also, Frone et al. (1992) found out that conflict between family members and more common than conflict between managers and employees. The proportion of family conflict is 60% while work conflict is only 20%. It can be seen from this theory that there is a need of communication to achieve work-family balance. That communication is supportive communication. Coaching is processes that will help you get your people t do their best work (Florence 1999). Therefore, coaching and counseling is one of the main tools of supportive communication. With coaching it can help to improve ability problem. Manager can give direction and advice to help employees to understand their weakness so as to improve them. Individuals will not have negative feelings since managers are coaching instead of blaming, even negative feedback is given ndividuals can recognize their problem and get improvement. In this way positive image and relationship is built. Moreover, the second scenario is described about the academic stress. Author of this article said that Emotional support had a main effect on depression and informational support has effect on physical illness. Emotional support is attentive listening, notarize the experience of emotional experience and expression, and states which negative cognitions and emotions can be effectively processed. While informational supportive effect on physical illness, informational support, included iving advice, information and training, this kind of support help student to engage healthy activity, such as healthy eating, doing enough exercise and enough sleep. This study was design to inspect the extent of supportive communication mitigate between students heath and academic health. With these two methods of supportive communication, students can release stress cause by assignments exams and all other academic tests. Advice from informational support can help student keeping themselves healthy at any time, not study too late in exam, or spend all night before exam without resting. In this case, physically and mentally are also supported because of an essential kind of communication supportive communication. Finally, this method can reduce the risk of failing the course and exclude from the university. The last scenario we have talk about is also evaluate on students, it is about academic risk is a Junction of individual, social, and cultural communication phenomena. Roueche Roueche (1994) stated that those family who had supportive communication is important to help in motivating at-risk-student to succeed, while this kind of communication teach students social norms are needed in the college nvironment. Garard Hunt (1998) and Hunt Lippert (1999) state that improvement in communication skill will improvement academic success. There are some approaches of education risk focus on students characteristics inherent. Epidemiological model, which had mentioned before, identifies students who are at the edge of failure requirements of college need if they process deficient characteristics. The students with this character usually engage learning disable or low self-esteem. Under this model many students had improved their grade by understanding their weakness of individuals characteristics. Since communication had create while advisor giving advice and teaching what students should do in a positive way, supportive communication has being build. Then social constructivist Model (Richardson et al. 1989) suggested that certain student may at-risk in different classroom. They will change their attitude according to environment and to the person they are communicating to. Educators should interact with student by encounter their daily basic to classify the difference. This model also has the outcome of improve communication on teachers and students while teachers are bserving and encountering their students. The CBS program had mention in pervious paragraph state that this program gives students information and advice to help them reduce academic risk. This is also a kind of supportive communication. This program makes communication more success. Albrecht Adelman (1987), Granovetter (1973) and Haythornthwaite (2000) suggested that the program develops strong bridge between student and advisor through frequent communication. Individuals build strong relationship base on intimacy, self-disclosure and many types of interactions. Again, this program need plenty of communication between individuals, advisors, family, friends and teachers, they are going to interact with each other under this program, so communication has been build. Also, this kind of support towards study, therefore, it is a kind of supportive communication. From all of the above discuss, we can see there are five advantages can be classified. Firstly, with supportive communication by managers to employees, the organizations become more productive. Workers work more efficient and effective because of positive communication being obtain form manager. Blaming can change to advice. Secondly, manager attentive listening, consulting and coaching give rights to positive feedback and feeling while communicating with workers. Better relationship and better workplace atmosphere can be built. Thirdly, family conflict is decrease. When family and friends are supporting each other in their work and study, they will feel warm and comfortable, a well relationship also being built by supportive communication in this way. Fourthly, with the help of Epidemiological Model, Social Constructivist Model and CBS program at-risk-academic student is reduced. When processing this program and practicing this model, communication and trust will create, and these factors are essential component of supportive communication. Lastly, academic stress had decrease because of supportive communication. Emotional and informational communication helps students to realize their weakness and improve them. This two communication also factors of support communication. There are so many advantages to supportive communication, however, there are several limitations to supportive communication. Firstly, organization need to spend time and resources on training manager the way f positive communication to employees, the resources can be use in other way which may give organization more profit. Secondly, same as educational institution, they can use the resources in many other ways, like build some welfare facilities. Thirdly, there is limitation in doing research in addition to calculate participants result about others behavior, some kind of support behavior in third party objective method should be taken place. Also, they can be more ethical when choosing sample, because individual are from different country and with different culture, herefore, behavior maybe different to some extent. To conclude, supportive communication is a kind of communication which communicates accurately, honestly without Jeopardizing interpersonal relationship. Accurate message will enhance positive supportive communication. Good relationship will build up when two people are interchange idea accurately, patiently, and in a good manner. Researcher had done survey to understand what supportive communication is. Everywhere need supportive communication to improve a better off communication between each other. Workplace is one of the example we have een talking about, manager use supportive communication method when communicate with workers. Research found out that proportion in percentage of work conflict is greater than percentage in family conflict. Border theory had been use to distinguish boundaries between workplace and family, in this many family conflict can be avoided. Emotional and informational support communication from friends and family can help reducing academic stress. Epidemiological Model, Social Constructivist Model and BCS program had used to help improve support between one and other. 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