Monday, May 25, 2020
Military Life in Vietnam in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They...
The Things They Carried is a story based on the experiences of young American soldiers fighting during the Vietnam War. The story begins giving you insight into the thoughts of the soldiers, describing to you what they humped along with them through their walk in the deep jungle of Vietnam. Some of those things were necessities P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatches, dog tags, mosquito repellent, chewing-gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets (81) and some were objects to give them hope. Throughout the story you follow a young platoon of men on their journey through the jungle never knowing which day could be the last day of their lives. The author, Tim O’Brien, using very accurate description and detail gives us†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"They plodded along slowly, dumbly, leaning forward against the heat, unthinking, all blood and bone, simple grunts, soldiering with their legs, toiling up the hills and down into the paddies and across the river s and up again and down, just humping, one step and then the next and then another†(86). The story focuses on the emotions of the soldiers and describes how they endured extreme emotional torture during their time at war. All of them taken away from their homes and being thrown into a terrorizing unfamiliar area then given a gun and being told to fight most of them being young and having no combat experience. Tim O’Brien explains the amount of emotional stress each man carried â€Å"They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing-these were intangibles, but intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight†(89). He describes how their fear affected even what supplies they brought with them from the amount of ammunition, to pocket knives, and even food. One of the soldiers in the story, Ted Lavender carried tranquilizers with him because he was scared of the physical pain he might endure. â€Å"Depending on numerous factors, such as topography and psychology, the riflemen carried anywhere from 12 to 20 magazines†(82). All the men struggled throughShow MoreRelatedTim O Brien : A Man Who Has Positively Affected The World1119 Words  | 5 Pageshelps us understand the truth.†This quote by Minnesota author and veteran, Tim O Brien, displays his passion for writing stories that make truth come to life. Tim O’Brien is a remarkable man who has positively affected the world through his literary works regarding the Vietnam War. His personal life and authorship through his military experience, have led to making him one of the most influential war authors to date. Tim O’Brien was born in Austin, Minnesota on October 1, 1946 (Glerean). He spentRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1621 Words  | 7 PagesTim O’Brien’s use of fictionalized writing in the delivery of â€Å"The Things They Carried†was the best writing style possible for a war story. Fiction, as opposed to a more conventional historical account, allows him to paint a more realistic portrayal of soldiers’ actual combat experience during the Vietnam conflict by use of imagery, real life accounts, and third person omniscient point of view. â€Å"The Things They Carried†is a story that I can personally relate to because of my service in the UnitedRead MoreThe Things They Carried Questions1139 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Things They Carried†Questions a) The main topic of this novel is burdens. O’Brien is writing about what burdens the soldiers and he had to carry throughout war, physically and emotionally. One way I know is because of the title- â€Å"The Things They Carried.†This title almost summarizes the whole book. O’Brien frequently showed and explained the burdens that were inner conflicts of his and outer conflicts too. In the chapter â€Å"The things They Carried,†O’Brien showed an emotional burdenRead MoreThe Man I Killed, By Tim O Brien1580 Words  | 7 Pagesaway everything he has, and ever will have; and in War, death is inescapable. Vietnam War veteran Tim O’Brien was drafted to fight in the War in 1969 and states in the book as his â€Å"character/narrator†self that he attempted an escape to Canada out of fear. But the stronger fear of people being ashamed of him took over and had him turning back to home to enlist in the U.S. Army. O’Brien publis hed The Things They Carried in 1990 and explored the physical and mental realms of war-time combat with storiesRead MorePersuasive Essay : The Things They Carried Essay1189 Words  | 5 PagesPersuasive Essay: The Things They Carried Are moral standards in the eye of the beholder? According to one author, â€Å"we’ve seriously lost our way†, going on to state, â€Å"we are like mean adrift at sea without a compass†(Hulme). In literature as in biology, the mantra of form fits function applies and heightens a reader’s appreciation of a writer’s choice and how they contribute to a work of literature. In Tim O’Brien’s collection of short stories, The Things They Carried, the narrative, the experienceRead More Myth of Courage Exposed in The Things They Carried Essay2662 Words  | 11 Pagessuch as Tim OBriens The Things They Carried (THINGS) challenge those very notions. Like The Iliad, THINGS is about war. It is about battles and soldiers, victory and survival, yet the message OBrien gives us in THINGS runs almost contradictory to the traditional war story. Whereas traditional stories of war take place on battlefields where soldier battles soldier and the mettl e of man is tested, OBriens battle occurs in the shadowy, private place of a soldiers mind. Like the Vietnam War itselfRead MoreThe Vietnam War Has Far Reaching Consequences For The United States1710 Words  | 7 PagesFailure is a hard word, and no matter how you analyze the Vietnam War, that is precisely what it was. The War was a personal failure on a national scale. From its covert commen- cements, through the bloodiest, most tenebrous days and determinately to the acrid end, this ten-year period of American history is a national disgrace. This research paper will deal with some of the more intriguing aspects and effects of this war. Since the Vietnam conflict made absolutely no sense politically, militarilyRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay1646 Words  | 7 PagesAn Emotional Toll The Vietnam War was the largest, most prolonged military conflict for the United States of America in world history, besides the recent war in Afghanistan. Many Vietnam veterans have written books and novels about their experiences, however, Tim O’Brien, an American who was drafted into the Vietnam war and an American writer, has written numerous books about his war experiences. In particular, Tim O’Brien’s novel The Things They Carried, tells all his experiences in detail aboutRead MoreIn Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried, he emphasizes a chapter on â€Å"The Man I Killed†, which900 Words  | 4 PagesIn Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried, he emphasizes a chapter on â€Å"The Man I Killed†, which describes the characteristics of a young Vietnamese man in which O’Brien may or may not have killed with a grenade. The novel is not chronologically sequenced, which leaves more room for the reader to engage in a critical thought process that fully bridges the author’s mind to their own. In O’Brien’s chapter, â€Å"The Man I Killed†, he attempts to humanize the enemy in a way that draws little separation betweenRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien899 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the Vietnam War, a range of emotions occurred within every soldier. Even though some veterans can move past their memories of war, many soldiers became haunted by their dark memories. In Tim O’Brien’s fictional novel The Things They Carried, O’Brien takes his readers through several different events and emotions that occurs to his character during the Vietnam War. Although his character sometimes faces a tough time telling the story, O’Brien manages to inform his readers of the different
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The History Of Transactional Leadership Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3557 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? I have completed my surveys on two leadership styles and these surveys states that My current leadership style works out to be Participative or democratic. Which means that decisions are made in quick time and leaders have individual control over all decisions whereas on other side Group members are also engaged in the process of discussion to make decisions more accurate and this is a more creative style of leadership? From these surveys, I believe that my strengths include hard work, Trustworthy, patience, fast decision maker and have some weaknesses like short temper and lack of self confidence. So I believe that I have to do work hard for overcoming my weaknesses in order to become a skilled and a good leader to operate an organization smoothly and accurately. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The History Of Transactional Leadership Business Essay" essay for you Create order So to become a good leader the major areas of my weakness that I need to improve are meeting of deadlines, communication and pressure handling. Strengths Equality: I believe strongly in justice and equality. When I work in a team, I make sure that all the team members are given equal opportunity to present their ideas. At my workplace I give fair and unbiased feedback to my seniors about my subordinates. Motivate: I have a ability to motivate or encourage the peoples Peaceful or cool mind:. I am a strong believer of non violence as well in sometimes some situations fed up me but I control my mind and handle the situation softly. I believe anything is achievable through peace, friendship and love as human beings are social animals. Principals:- My belief in justice, honour and integritybecause by following this pathit easier to earn trust of people. My friends understand that I would most likely give an honest and balanced advice and make fair decisions. Co-operate and peace: I believe in leading from the back and allowing others to think that they are in front. This way it is easier for me to maintain balance in my team. Weaknesses Lack of build strategies: I am unable to do such a change the current situation. I lack tactics because of which I miss opportunities and as a leader I sometimes fail to influence people around me. Lack of risk taking: I also accept that I sometimes make bad decisions. I try to accept my failure rather than defending myself. This helps me save time and move on to the next challenge. Lack of resolving conflicts: I like to help people my friends, subordinates know that I will help them if need be. But sometimes while resolving the conflicts I make the decisions under some influence. Emotional: I tend to get emotional about certain things or people, which affects my decision making ability as a leader. This causes an emotional outburst. Areas to improve: Communication network: Accurate and timely communication is two important aspects to become a good leader. Working in a team all the important information out to all team member in a timely manner and then be able to collect team members opinions to make a decision. So By improving the network of communication will help me to improve my relations with other as well help me to decision making. So I need to learn how I can communicate with my team members for effective communication. Self confidence: To make effective decision and to provide and take suggestions I need to improve my self confidence: Stop Judging: The third behaviour that I would like to improve, avoid judging anyone for any reason either inside or outside of workplace. When I condemn other people, I demoralize the listener, and the self-esteem of the other person will be severely lowered. Building Self-Esteem for Peak Performance: To create an environment where people are relaxed and happy and feel good about themselves and their work. So to do this I need to raise my self-esteem. So everyone in the workplace and allow them to reach their peak performance. 1.2Leadership Theory A. Democratic Leadership: It is also called as Participative Leadership. It is the most effective leadership style where leaders give directions to the group members and also allow them to represent their views. I always use the democratic leadership style in my class with my classmates and at my work place as well. I strongly believe in team work. I am usually curious and appreciate the new and innovative ideas of my team members and try to implement and learn from that. Being democratic helps me to make effective decisions. It motivates every team member and abilities of every individual are improved as they participate in decision making process. For example while working in a team for a group assignment at the college, I maintain the Democratic style of leadership. Qualities of democratic/Participative leadership:- Open to Suggestion:-in this type of leadership manager requires to listen to others and consider their ideas. This democratic leader is respected by his staff for keeping his mind as well as his door open. Team Builder:-Another quality of this leadership is that the leader guides his team to produce an originality that is a result of group accomplish. To do this, he must set a mix of diverse workers with sometimes conflicting ideas and methods. He works to use these differences to form a team that works efficiently and progresses through challenges both material and personal. Empowering:-The participative leader empowers others. This is someone who is willing to share the focus by giving employees the opportunity to make major decisions. B. Transactional Leadership: This leadership style starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader when they accept any task and follow the leader instructions. Leaders use their own way to achieve the task as well they change the way to do work if team members work doesnt meet a suitable standard. In order to find faults and deviations, these leaders focus on their followers work. Transactional leadership have some own benefits. According to this leadership style everyones know their roles and responsibilities. its also use to measure the team member performance if someone does not work well then leaders have choice to change their work as well method of to achieve the task as well they are able to divide the task and responsibilities according to people who are ambitious or who are motivated by external. On the dark side of this leadership style is that team members can do little to improve their job satisfaction. they can feel smother, and they can lead to high staff turnover. Transactional leadership is a type of management, but it does not a true leadership style, because in this style the main focus is on short-term tasks then long term task. It has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work. However, it can be effective in other situations. C. Transformational Leadership: Transformation leadership is often the best leadership style to use in business management. Transforming leadership is a process in which leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation. Transformational leaders are inspiring because they expect the best from everyone on their team as well as themselves. This leads to huge output and engagement from everyone in their team. The downside of transformational leadership is that while the leaders interest is passed onto the team, he can need to be supported by detail people. Thats why, in many organizations, both transactional and transformational leadership styles are useful. Transactional leaders (or managers) ensure that routine work is done reliably, while transformational leaders look after initiatives that add new value. Its also important to use other leadership styles when necessary this will depend on the people youre leading and the situation that youre in. Transformational Vs Transactional Transactional Theory Transformational Theory 1.Leadership is approachable and its basic point of reference is arrangement with present situational issues 1. Leaders are differentiated by their abilities to motivate and give individualize reflection, to their followers 2. Leaders work on benchmark criteria like contract forms, job description, incentive, punishment and authorize to control supporters. It does not focus on motivation only. 2. Leaders create learning opportunities for their followers and stimulate followers to solve problems 3. Leaders inspire supporters by putting objectives and hopeful rewards for required presentation.  3. Leaders have good vision, theatrical and organization skills, to develop strong emotional bonds with followers 4. Leadership depends on the power of the leader to subordinates to strengthen their successful completion of the sale. 4. Leaders inspire supporters to work for objective. 1.3Leadership Role models Peter Frasers: Peter Fraser was the Co-founder of New Zealand Labour Party. He was also involved in many social and political parties like New Zealand Socialist Party, Social Democratic Party. He also became Minister of Health, Minister of Education, Minister of Marine, and Minister of Police. His Leadership Qualities includes hard working, intelligent, skilled and experienced leader, courageous, passionate and energetic. He is very direct on his words and always shows the real picture whats exactly happening in order to let people know real things. I believe that his style of leadership matches with Democratic/Participative style of Leadership as he is an intelligent and experienced political leader who leads his nation through to the way of success. He played a large part to introduce and pass out the Maori Social and Economic Advancement Act, which helps Maori to cope with the problems of poverty and increasing urbanisation. He implements a number of measures to reduce inequalities. Labour party has a great role to criticise the nuclear weapons testing and declare New Zealand as a nuclear free zone. He introduced an unemployed workers bill for a scheme of contributory unemployment insurance. Sir Stephen Tindall: Sir Stephen Tindall is the founder of New Zealand retailer stores The Warehouse Group and he is also the founder of the Tindall Foundation. He is awarded one of the most influential business people NZ has ever produced. He founded The Warehouse Group in 1982 with initial capital of NZ$ 40.000 and his leadership style has transformed it into a $1.1 Billion (market cap) with sales exceeding $1.6 Billion. I have chosen Sir Stephen Tindall here because he is a kind of transformational leader which I actually want to follow. He certainly believes in transformational approach to leadership as it clear from his actions. Not only in his own company but he wants to help every New Zealander in achieving their goals, to assist New Zealanders in need he set up Tindall Foundation in 1995. Since its being set up Tindall Foundation has already donated more than NZ$ 100 million to community and organizations and towards initiatives around New Zealand. He was named Business Person of the Year 1997 by New Zealand Herald. Sir Stephen Tindall has reformed the way we do retailing in New Zealand. Sir Stephen Tindall was a founding member of the New Zealand Institute, a think tank with 30 corporate members formed to contribute creative ideas and solutions to the policy debate, which will positively transform New Zealand in the years ahead. Another reason why Sir Stephen Tindall qualifies for transformational leadership approach is that they care for society, not only for their own employees or company. Their approach is clearly depicted form the mission statement of their company where people come first and the quality is affordable Comparison Peter Frasers Sir Stephen Tindall His leadership style is participative. He has a ability to show the picture through his words. As a participative leader to grow country economically strong he introduced an unemployed workers bill for a scheme of contributory unemployment insurance. His leadership style is transformational. He is also very clear for his action. As a transformational leader for helping community services and development he set up Tindall Foundation. Benchmarking Criteria For setting up of benchmarking criteria, I will be using Participative leadership approach. I will be listing qualities of this leadership approach as a benchmarking framework for my own personal development:- . Vision: The first and essential quality of a participative leaders or to become a good leader is a clear vision of the future they must know about how to plan or achieve the desire task, how to handle the unexpected situation as well as a strong hold on what success looks like and how to aim it or a way to find out what is our objectives and how to move in that direction. Self-confidence: Participative leaders have a very high level of self-confidence because a confidence person motivate or encourage the peoples as a leader by concerning the needs of peoples. We will become an inspiration for others to increase their confidence. So that why its is an essential element of my personal development benchmarking because self confidence inspire the person abilities to do things or leads others If you believe in yourself, only them you can convince others to believe in you. Social Responsibility:All Participative leaders have high sense of Social Responsibility. To become a good leader it is important because it is basic draft plan for leaders to be aware about socially responsible. Remember leaders and followers both are also belong to society, so for me to become a good leader i must aware about social responsibilities. Empathy: This is very important quality of leadership as in this a leader will have a caring sense for his team members in an organisation. To become a good leader always care and admire the team members thoughts and feelings. By sharing thoughts and feelings we are able to help each other and face and solve many problems. We can prove this quality by concerning the above two leaders have this quality which has a great influence on their leadership style. So I think its very important for me to lead others. Patience for decision making: To make good and for effective decision a good leaders are accepting of doubt and remain calm in all situations to make perfect decisions. This quality is must be needed for me to become a good leader. Because am able to take correct decision if my brain is in calm situation. Proactive approach- It helps me to achieves higher employee morale and participates personal and organizational goals. Section 2: Self-Assessment 2.1Benchmarking Here I would like to rate myself to measure leadership skills with above leadership criteria. I am using 5 standards rate scale that is as follows: 1: Excellent 2: Very Good 3: Good 4: Average 5: Below Average S. No Leadership Quality Rating Scale 1 Vision 3 2 Self Confidence 3 3 Social Responsibility 2 4 Empathy 4 5 Patience for decision making 3 6 Proactive approach 3 2.2Reflection In reflection section I am going to describe about my preference towards leadership styles, potential and goals. I have explained my leadership style through surveys and my survey research describe my leadership style that I have more interest in participative style of Leadership because this suits me according to my leadership qualities. According to me, I think my culture play a important role as well has a great influence on my qualities and decision making styles. I strongly believe in team work rather than to work individually because firstly it saves time and it helps to solve a problem easily because all members are working together and its easy to share ideas because everyone have their own ideas according to their ability so there is a option to choose which solution is better so we can say team work provide new ideas and suggestions given by team members. Another benefit of working in a team that It helps to improve communication skills in order to communicate with the peop le from different cultures whose languages are different, customs and norms are different so it provide me a chance as well helps me as well others to build a well-diversified cultural workplace.. I have many qualities to become a good leader like I have a quality of fast decision making, hardworking and also I have good knowledge of Computer. I am very Task oriented Person. I have skill to understanding the goal and planning how to achieve the desire goals. I always tried to achieve those goals with my modern ideas. . I use my conceptual skills in my daily life like especially in workplace and empower my team members and subordinates. I have a quality of fast decision making as well I have a quality of risk takingand I dont hesitate to try new ideas and ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness its helps me to make decisions according to the situations. I possess some technical skills as well. At my job I know my responsibilities and have all the knowledge required to do my job. I try to use resources in such a way that the effectiveness and productivity of the work can be increased. I always try to be helpful for others at any time. I always try to motivate, encourage and help others. I have learned from my mistakes which I have done, that make me capable to facing any situation or problem and it increase my organising skills. I always try to improve my skills in which I am lack off, and become a source of inspiration for others and to gain my qualifications successfully. I also want to change myself according to the situations and to become a well-respected personality. Section 3: Personal Development Plan Opportunities Short term goals:-To attain Degree in computing specially in hardware field. Long term goals:-To get a good job as computer technician in multinational company. One of my goal is to start my own computer hardware business. Rationale Short term goal: To attain Degree in computing specially in hardware field:- The reason behind this short term goal is qualification and knowledge achievement to get more knowledge in computing field as I have relevant diploma in computing as well in electronic field.. Once I complete this degree it makes me more aware of the computing world which will greatly help me in my career development. Long term goal:-To get a good job as computer technician in multinational company:- The reason to choose this long term goal is as I did relevant study in as computing as well electronic as well program logic control so I think its help me to get experience in computing field and help me to develop my future and give me a chance to learn business skills to start my own business. My dream goal is to start my own computer hardware business:-I have selected this because after get knowledge and experience I am able to handle my own business and I have the abilities to lead an organisation successfully and contribute for the welfare of the country. Strategies Short term goal:-To attain Degree in computing specially in hardware field:- My strategies to achieve this goal successfully is to attend all the college classes and gain as much knowledge as I can get through teachers, books, online reserach and workplace as well and try to do more and more practical work. Long term goal:-To get a good job as computer technician in multinational company:- for to achieve this goal my strategies firstly I try to get experience like working under any small company as well volunteer work. My dream goal is to start my own computer hardware business:- I always try to get some experience to be able to lead an organisation and improve my organisational skills to run my business as well become a good leader which will help me start my own business. Timeframe Short term goal:-To attain Degree in computing specially in hardware field its my best try to start my degree to earlier intake in polytechnic. Its take 2 years. Long Term goal:-To get a good job as computer technician in multinational company after my study I try to get experience for working under any multinational company. So I need 1 year to become myself perfect as a computer technician. My dream goal is to start my own computer hardware business:-After 2 years study and more then 4 year experience I think I am become able to start my own business so include study as well work experience time its totally take around 7 years to establish my business. Measures Short term goal:- To attain Degree in computing specially in hardware field,feedback from my teachers, classmates during my group presentations, group assignment helped me to measure my development results. Long term goal:-To measure my skills as a computer technician in multinational company. My study result as well practical knowledge help me to find a good job. As well Any appreciation or reward at my study place as well work place for resolving any conflicts and taking risks to implement new i ideas for the profitability of organisation. Assessments and tests to measure my knowledge and skills. My dream goal is to start my own computer hardware business:-by getting feedback for my work place colluges as well company senior or any reward thats show my skills these things help me or become able me to start my own business. Resourcing To achieve the desired goals both short and long term, I will need resources which gives me ability to think more clearly and logically. The possible resources to learn, experience and improve are idols, books and internet material.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Global Warming On Our Planet s Ecosystem
Mother Earth is burning as we speak; humanity has killed our precious Earth. Global-warming is a vicious killer that was created by the humans on this Earth, and there s no way to cure it. We, as humans, have the power to cleanse the Earth, but instead we destroy it. Heat is absorbed by carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas absorbs thermal radiation emitted by the Earth s surface. As the sun s energy reaches the Earth’s surface, some of it is released into space, some is absorbed by the atmosphere, and the rest is emitted by the earth and warms the Earth. This is what we call the greenhouse effect which is the main reason we have global warming. Despite claims by opponents that humans are not the cause of global warming, evidence linked to climate change, weather patterns, and the destruction of our limited rainforests suggests that mankind causes unendurable harm to our planet’s ecosystem. Opponents believe that weather patterns happen naturally and humans are not the cause. They claim climate change is not directly related to the release of greenhouse gases. In Richard Lindzen’s article â€Å"The World Should Not Waste Resources on Fighting Global Warming,†he states, â€Å"For small changes in climate associated with tenths of a degree, there is no need for any external cause. The earth is never exactly in equilibrium.†By mentioning this quote Lindzen is stating that it is normal for the Earth to have heat waves every now and then, meaning that the Earth’sShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Global Warming On The Earth900 Words  | 4 PagesTitle: The Impact of Global Warming Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about how global warming is impacting the earth. Central Idea: Data shows that all throughout history, the temperature of our planet has changed over and over again for natural reasons. Holli Riebeek, education and outreach specialist at NASA, stated that these changes are due to small shifts in the Earth’s orbit and the Sun’s energy levels varying throughout time. Today, unfortunately, with the average temperature of theRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Planet1567 Words  | 7 PagesThe effects of climate change have become more apparent than ever within the last 100 years. Increasing climates have been proven; with the warmest temperatures in 30 years being recorded (Houghton, 1994). Suggested cause of this increase is population change, the ever increasing demand for natural resources to sustain economic growth has resulted in exploitation of ecological systems at a rate never recorded before. These huge changes to the planet will have a knock on effect to individual and globalRead MoreHuman Activity Over The Last Century1208 Words  | 5 Pageswith carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere. These changes to the worlds ecosystems and could involve key human health problems. There is worldwide scientific consensus and proof that climate change is real, evidence proves there has been 7 cycles of glacial advance and retreat, since the beginning of the modern climate 650,000 years ago. The evidence of our changing climate is from many forms of data collected over years ago [EV]. According to this evidence, we areRead MoreHow Will Global Warming Change Earth?851 Words  | 4 PagesIn two recent articles published in National Geographic and NASA Earth Observatory, â€Å"Signs From Earth: No Room to Run†and â€Å"How Will Global Warming Change Earth?†, both articles serve to raise the reader’s awareness and challenges us to see deeper into the serious implications global warming has, not only in our lives, but also into the life of our fragile ecosystem as well. And while both articles share a distinct similarity in delivering to a audience a message that is both omniscient and foretellingRead MoreEnvironmental Issue Of Environmental Issues1746 Words  | 7 Pagesconcerns of scientists, environmentalists, and people of this planet when it comes to environmental issues. Environmental issues is something that is discussed frequently in the news, in politics, and in classrooms around the world. More and more we are becoming informed and aware of the current and ever facing environmental crises that are taking place around the world today. Some scientists and environmentalists believe that many things within our lives daily contribute to the growing detriment of theRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1267 Words  | 6 Pages Over the course of the years global warming has become a threatening issue that scientists and the government have been cognizant about. Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate. The earth periodically warms up and cools down. The Earth is currently going through a warming trend that coincides with the industrial revolution. ThisRead MoreWhat Are The Risks Of Climate Change And Global Warming?1518 Words  | 7 PagesWhat are the risks of climate change and global warming? Climate change has been a pertinent issue in the media as of the past decade. With much debate on its severity, some simply believe that it is the result of alternating weather patterns. Meanwhile, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims that global warming â€Å"has been driven by human activity,†continuing on to say that its existence is â€Å"unequivocal†(sciencemag). As most scientific research suggests, it is evident that climateRead MoreGlobal Warming : Causes And Impacts1716 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal Warming Global warming is the ever growing tension and a controversial issue that is debated widely for the past few years. There are many critics and disbelievers still present in the politics and science field , who do not think that this issue is increasing at such a large scale. It may be due to the lack of evidences in this field, that resulted into this thought that it is the natural process that is evolving on this planet in cycles. In this present era the existence of global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay1570 Words  | 7 Pages Global warming extremists want us to believe that as global temperatures rise, so do chances of complete extinction of entire species. Natural disasters will become more common, whole continents could one day be under water, and death rates could be at an all time high. This may seem like a bad science fiction novel, but in some ways they might actually be right. At the very least global warming can and will effect humans living in nearly every region. From those living on the coast, to those livingRead MoreGlobal Warming And Climate Change Essay932 Words  | 4 PagesKatherine Suarez Bio. Professor Agostino November, 29 2016 Global Warming/ Climate Change Global warming or also known as climate change refers to the increase heating of Earth s surface, oceans and atmosphere and its effects. It is unknown who was the first person to point out the term â€Å"Global Warming†, but since the late nineteenth century geologist started talking about that increasing carbon dioxide by combustion, which could be the cause of rising temperature. But if talk about 55 million
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
MIS infrastructure Infrastructure & Environment Free Samples
Questions: 1. What is MIS infrastructure and the three primary types? In your answer, include the three areas associated with an information MIS infrastructure.2. What is an agile MIS infrastructure and what are it's characteristics, benefits and effects?3. In what ways do MIS impact the Environment? Is it helpful or harmful?4. What are the three components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure and the benefits they provide? Why would a company want a sustainable MIS Infrastructure?5. Describe technical architecture as a structured process and compare it to software architecture. How are thi two related? In what ways does it allow us to design better systems?6. In what ways does Information Technology (IT) architecture impact and influence company operations? Would you agree that it is vital to a company. Provide examples in your explanation. Answers: 1. MIS infrastructure comprises of plans pertaining to how the business will build up, deploy, perform, use, and share the assets of the MIS system along with the data and processes. A well-formed and framed MIS infrastructure can be beneficial to reduce the costs, optimize business operations, enhance profits, improve productivity and generate sources for growth. The three types of MIS infrastructures are Supporting Operations (where and how information is stored); Supporting change (agile MIS); supporting environment (sustainable MIS to grow in computing resources power to reduce the level of dependency) (Turban, 2007). The three areas that are closely an primarily associated with MIS infrastructure are backup and recovery (to have an exact copy of the information of the system and to replenish the system and run it after the crash); disaster recovery plan (for recovering in case of natural disasters); Business continuity plan (how a business and recover and restore operations and information) (Turban, 2007). 2. An agile MIS infrastructure supports changes and hence forms a dynamic component of the MIS infrastructure plan and document. Agile MIS is suitable for the changing demands of the market in any kind of business. The components of agile MIS infrastructure are accessibility (varying levels of user access, view, use or performance while operating a system), availability (the time frames of the operational system), maintainability (the speed with which the system can transform to support the changes in the environment hence aiming at flexible systems meeting the demands of all kinds of business), portability (the ability of an application to process on different software platforms or devices), reliability (ensures correct functioning of system and accurate information delivery), usability (the degree of ease and satisfaction level of the system) and scalability (the wellness and caliber of the system to scale up and fulfill the changing and enhanced demands of the customers) (Furukawa, 2001). The benefits of agile MIS infrastructure are incorporation of changing demands of the market and the customer trends. However, it my effect the cost and time invested for adoption of such MIS infrastructure. 3. MIS have a direct relation with the environment. Green MIS or sustainable MIS refers to the production, use, management and disposal of technology and other resources in a way that would minimize the damage to the environment. It is also related to corporate social responsibility where company have acknowledged responsibility towards the society. MIS infrastructure has side effects out of expanded use of technology. They are Increased electronic waste: obsolete or discarded electronic devices comprising of eWaste (Dao, 2011). There should be sustainable MIS disposal ensuring safe disposal of assets at the end of the life cycle. Increased energy consumption: increase in technology have amplified energy consumption. Increased carbon emission: it is observed that a computer which is left on continuously can consume 100 watts of power per hour and greenhouse gases like carbon emission is evident from energy usage. 4. The three components of sustainable MIS infrastructure are grid computing, Cloud computing and virtualized computing. Grid computing is a network of computers dispersed geographically to coordinate and solve a common issue. It is beneficial because of geographical dispersion leading to a greater cover and coordination among the computers to solve a problem quickly and efficiently. Cloud computing refers to use of resource and applications hosted by a remote internet server. It is beneficial to share a wide amount of information with others or store office data on the cloud which can be personal, private or hybrid. Virtualized computing can create various virtual machines on a single computing device which can share hard disk and memory. Sustainable data centers used in virtualized computing reduces carbon emissions and reduces the floor space (Watson, 2010). A company would adopt sustainable MIS to be able to have a cost effective and reliable solution for the problems by minimal utilization of resources and producing the best output. 5. Technical architecture is regarded as a structures process which is applied to the design and construction of some of the software applications. The two are related in a way that technical architecture encompasses some of the prime portions of software engineering and architecture like ensuring consistency, flexibility, modularity and maintainability (King, 1989) etc., specifying the requirements, promoting the component use and promote best practices of software architecture. An efficient planning of technical architectures can open the aspects of current environment and connect them to the desired state which is consistent with the business. 6. Information technology architecture is important tool for surviving the business pressures and increase the power for a global competition by the means of information technology and its deployment. It can influence the company in a way that its help can aid in developing quicker responses towards opportunities or threats, faster flexibility and agility, and strong decision making tasks (Bradley, 2007). It gives technology decisions making it a component of enterprise architecture. It is essential for the company for a good governance, communication and scope of innovation. It aids in better decision making by guiding business creativity, and fostering an alignment with the business for improved operations. References Turban, E., Sharda, R., Delen, D., Efraim, T. (2007).Decision support and business intelligence systems. Pearson Education India. Furukawa, M. (2001). Database Agile Management Dependent on MIS Infrastructure. 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